Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mwod:  Row or bike 2 mins, Roll chest with ball on post, Band lat stretch, Couch stretch

Incline Press  4 x 10 reps

Pendlay rows 4 x 12


3 T get ups Left
5 Dips
10 Pull ups
20 K2E or T2B
30 Box jumps
40 Thrusters
50 Burpees
3 T get ups Right

Oct 31st

Mwod:  Row or bike x 2mins, Roll glutes and hips, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 4 x 4 @ 85-90%

McGill curl ups 4 x 10

WOD:  15-12-9 reps

DB Thruster Left arm
DB Thruster Right arm
Pull ups

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