Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Mwod:  Jog 1 lap, Roll quads x 20 passes each, Roll glutes x 1 min/side, Band hamstring stretch x 1min/side, Roll chest with ball on post x 1min, Pec stretch from rack x 1min/side

Deadlift:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%
Pull Aparts 3 x 25


8 min AMRAP
8 Renegade Rows (yes with push up)
8 Thrusters (25/45)

Rest 2 mins

8 min AMRAP
8 Front squats (75/135)
8 Alt DB snatch (25/45)

Mwod:  300m row, Band shoulder traction x 1min/side, Tspine ext x 20, Roll x 20 passes, Couch stretch x 1 min/side

Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%
Face pulls 3 x 25


250m Row
20 V ups
30 Wipers
50 Sit ups
10 Burpees
50 Russian Twists
30 Plank touch
20 Leg Raises
10 Burpees

Monday, June 27, 2016

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll quads and upper back x 20 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Roll glutes x 1min/side, Bottom squat x 1min

A1)  Squat: 3 x 10 @ 65%
A2)  Plank 3 x 30 sec

B1) SL RDL's 3 x 10/leg
B2) Band x-walks 3 x 10/way
B3) Reverse lunges off box 3 x 10/leg

C)  WOD:  
7 min AMRAP

10 Hang Cleans
10 Box Jumps 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mwod:  Row 300m, Roll chest & shoulders on post with ball x 2mins, Band lat stretch x 1min/side, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Roll upper back x 20 passes

Bench:  3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%
Rear flys 3 x 15

WOD:  4 Rounds

1 minute of:  10 squats + AMRAP Chins/Body rows
1 minute of:  10 Squats + AMRAP Burpees
1 minute of:  10 Squats + AMRAP DB Push Press
1 minute rest

Score is total reps of Chins, Burpees and Push press each round

*There will be no bootcamp in Renfrew this Saturday, June 25th*

Mwod:  jog 2 laps, Roll hips on roller x 2mins, Roll quads x 20 passes each, Band hip stretch from rack x 1min/side, Smash traps, neck and upper back with ball x 3 mins

Lift:  Deadlift- 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Hollow holds 3 x 10

WOD:  Dirty 30

30 Box Jumps
30 Body rows
30 Lunges
30 KB swings
30 v-ups
30 Push ups
30 Burpees
30 Dubs

Monday, June 20, 2016

Mwod:  2 laps of the building or row 300m, Stretch wrists on floor x 2 mins, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Roll upper back on floor with ball x 1 min, Pre squat hip opener x 2mins/side

Clean & Jerk:  work up to heavy set of 3 (12 mins)

WOD:  4 Rounds of tabata 30/15

Rope Slams
Alt DB Snatch
Sit ups

Thursday, June 16, 2016

MWOD: 1. Row 300m
             2. Band shoulder traction x 1min/side
             3. Band lat/tri x 1min/side
             4. Outside hip on box or bench x 1min/side
             5. Couch stretch x 1min/side

LIFT: A1.   Bench           (Use 3RM from last wc as wm)
                5@ 65%
                5@ 75%
                5+ @ 85%

         A2. No money  3x10

         A3. BPA     3x15

WOD:    1-2-3-4-5-6-7.....
             Reps in 12 mins

             Body row

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mwod:  2 laps of building, Roll quads and upper back x 20 passes each, Band hamstring stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Roll chest with ball on post x 1min, Band lat stretch x 2mins/side

Lift:  A1)  Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

         A2)  Rear Fly's 4 x 15


10 Dubs
10 Thrusters
10 V-ups
10 Renegade Rows

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

MWOD: 1. Skip 100
             2. Bottom squat test x1min (Feet Flat)
             3. Pre-squat hip opener x1min/side
             4. Stretch calves+ankles x1min/side
             5. Band hamstrings from rack x 20 reps/leg
             6. Bottom squat retest x 1min

LIFT: A1. Squat  3 @ 70%
                         3 @ 80%
                         3+ @ 90%

         A2. Hollow hold       


1 lap of building
Toes to bar x10
1 lap of building
KB swings x15

Monday, June 13, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back x 20 passes + 10 Tspine ext over roller, Roll chest & traps on post with ball x 1min/side, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Roll glutes x 1min/side

Lift:  Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

B)  Push press 3 x 5+ reps @ 85%


WOD:  "Satans Whiskers"


10 Chins
10 Front Squats
10 Burpees

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Roll pecs with ball on post x 2 mins, Banded frog stretch x 2mins

Squat:  Use new 3RM as working max

 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Chins:  Max reps in 8 mins

WOD: "Big girl Grace"

30 Clean & Jerks for time

75% of 1RM

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MWOD: 1. Skip 100, Squat 20, Jax 10
             2. Smash pecs on post x 1 min/side
             3. Band pec stretch x 1min/side
             4. Band Lat/Tri stretch x 1min/side
             5. Couch stretch x 1 min/side

LIFT: A1. Bench
              work up to 3 RM then 2x4 @ 80%

         A2. Face pulls   4x25

         B. Body Row    4x5 reps
             Move feet forward and elevate each set


   30 Russian twists
   30 sec side plank right
   30 sec side plank left
   30 v-ups
   30 Hollow hold

Monday, June 6, 2016

Mwod:  Jog 2 laps, Roll quads & calves x 20 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Roll glutes with ball x 1 min/side, Band hamstring stretch from rack x 2 mins/side

Deadlift:  Work up to 3 RM, then 2 x 4 reps @ 80%

WOD:  For time

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps

Hip Extensions
DB Thrusters
Box Jumps

Saturday, June 4, 2016

MWOD: lax ball traps and lats on floor x3 minutes total
couch stretch x1min/side
band hamstring stretch x 1min/side

lift :
clean from floor

5 push press .... 50 dubs
5 push press .... 40 v-ups
5 push press .... 30 body rows
5 push press .... 20 kb swings
5 push press .... 10 burpees
750M row

Thursday, June 2, 2016

MWOD: 1. Skip 100
             2. Lax ball pec smash  x1min/side
             3. Band pec stretch  x1min/side
             4. Couch stretch  x1min/side

LIFT:  A1. Bench  4x3 @85-90%
          A2. BPA  4x25

          B. 6min Strict pull ups

WOD: 1min each for quality reps
          HR push-ups
          Jump squat
          DB side raise

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mwod:  2 laps of buiding, Roll quads & upper back x 20 passes each, Stretch wrists x2 mins, Roll glutes with ball on floor x 1 min/side, Outside hip stretch on bench x 2mins/side

Front squat:  work up to 3 RM, 2 x 4 @ 80% of 3RM

WOD:  30-20-10 reps

Step ups (total)

Mwod:  Skip 100, Jax x 20, Squat x 10
Band lat/tri stretch x 1min/side
Band shoulder traction x 1min/side
Band hip stretch from rack x 1 min/side
Roll traps and lats with ball x 3mins

LIFT:  Clean & Push press- work up to 3RM, then 2 x 4 @ 80% of 3RM


7 Cleans
14 Push ups
250m Row