Friday, October 31, 2014

MWOD:  Row x 2 minutes, band hamstring x 3min/side, lax ball glutes x 2 minute/side

LIFT: Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75% , 5 @ 85%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 65%



Row for Cals
Military Press (65/95)
Russian Twist
Body Rows

Thursday, October 30, 2014

MWOD:  Row x 3 Minutes - Moderate, Emphasis on posture, stretch wrists and forearms x 1 minute/side, outside hip/pre squat hip opener front foot elevated x 2 minute/side


80% Max Squat set
Chins Max set
Clean & Press (75/135) Max reps in 2 mins
Push ups Max set
Burpees Max reps in 2 mins
DUBS Max reps in 2 mins
500m Row for time

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrist/forearms x 2mins, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Frog x 3mins

Skill:  Cleans x 3 positions x 10 mins

WOD:  10 Rounds for time

100m row sprint
10 KB swings

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

MWOD: Row x 3 minutes, smash pec on post x 3 minutes

LIFT: BENCH 5 @ 65%, 5@75%, 5@85%, max @ 65%

WOD: 8 Round for Time
8 burpee box jumps
8 chins/body rows

Monday, October 27, 2014


LIFT: Squat-  5 @ 65%
                     5 @ 75%
                     5 @ 85%
                     5 @ 75%
                     5 @ 65%

WOD: 5 Rounds 90s on 90s rest
7 Front Squats
7 Hands off Push-ups

Friday, October 24, 2014

Mwod:  Row x 2 minute, band tri/lat stretch x 2 minute/side, couch stretch x 1 minute/side, lax ball glutes x 2 minutes

CHINS- Max reps in 6 minutes. *5 dubs every rest break

All sets for time:
A. 100 OH lunges
B. 100 Pull Aparts
C. 50 DB Thrusters
D. 50 T-get ups

Complete in any order for overall time

Thursday, October 23, 2014

MWOD: Skip 150 Skips, Smash pecs on post with lax ball x 2 minute/side, Band pec stretch x 2 minute/side

LIFT: Bench 5 @ 75%
                    3 @ 85%
                    1 @ 95%
                    3 @ 85%
                    5 @ 75%

WOD: EMOTM 10 minutes
Push Press x 3 ( 75/135)
Burpees x 3

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes x 1 min/side, Band hamstring strech x 2mins/side, Roll upper back with lacrosse ball x 2 mins

Deadlift:  3@ 70%, 3@ 80%, 3@ 90%, 3@ 80%, 3@ 70%


3 T- get ups/arm (20/45)
7 SDLHP (65/95)
10 Box Jumps

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

MWOD: 150 Skips, Outside hip opener on bench or box x 2 minute/side, Stretch wrists and forearms x 4 minute/side

Skill: Squat cleans x 10 minutes - Front squat with pause - pulling yourself under the bar

LIFT: Work up to max squat clean


ALT DB Snatch (25/45)
1 Arm DB Push Press R (25/45)
1 Arm DB Push Press L (25/45)


Monday, October 20, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Smash calves with barbell x 1 min each, Stretch calves x 2mins/side, Bottom squat x 2 mins

Squat:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%, 3 @ 85%, 5 @ 75%

12 min AMRAP

7 Thrusters
7 V-ups
7 Dubs
7 Renegade rows

Friday, October 17, 2014

MWOD:50 skips 10 burpees 50 skips,couch stretch x 2 minute/side,band hamstring stretch x2 min/side


DL x5 + 10 Burpees

DL x5 + 20 T Get Ups

DL x5 +30 Push Press

DL x5 + 40 Sit Ups
DL x5 + 50 Squats

- Prowler down and back x 3
- Tire flip 1 way x 5

Thursday, October 16, 2014

MWOD: 1. 100 ropes, 20 jax , 20 MTN Climbers
              2. Smash pecs on post x 3 minute/sode
              3. Band Pec stretch x 2 minute/side

BENCH: 3 @ 70%
              3 @ 80%
              3 @ 90%
              3 @ 80%
              3 @ 90%

WOD: Stations 45 sec/ 15 Transition
Battle Ropes
Body Row
Back Burpees
Wall Balls
KB Swings

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes w ball x 2mins/side, Band hip stretch from rack x 3mins/side

Deadlift:  5 @ 65% 
               5 @ 75%, 
               5 @ 85%, 
               5 @ 75%, 
               5 @ 65%

5 Rounds for time

3 Squat cleans  (75/135)
6 Toes to bar
8 Burpee box jumps

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

MWOD: 1. Jog 2 laps of building
              2. Smash calves on barbell sleeve x 2 minute/side
              3. Stretch calves x 4 minute/side (2min bent knee/ 2 min straight)

LIFT: Squat 3 @ 70%
                   3 @ 80%
                   3 @ 90%
                   3 @ 80%
                   3 @ 70%

50 Chins
** Run 1 lap of building every time you let go of bar

Friday, October 10, 2014

MWOD: Row x 2 minutes, Couch Stretch x 2 minute/side, band shoulder traction x 2 minute/side, lax ball chest x 2 minutes

LIFT: Bench Press 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5 @ 85% * add 5lbs to working max

3 rounds for time
20 Alternating Single Arm KB Swings - 10/hand
20 KB Squats
20 Left Arm Walking Lunges
20 Right Arm Walking Lunges
20 KB SDLHP (Kettle bell Sumo Deadlift High Pull)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

MWOD: Jax x 20 + 20 MTN Climbers, Smash triceps and forearms on barbell sleeve x 4minutes/side
Stretch wrists and forearms on floor x 2 minute

LIFT: Front Squat work up to 3RM - 20 Minute Time Limit

Skill: Wall Balls

1 Wall ball
5 V-ups
*Add 1 wall ball each round until failure

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Band/lat tri stretch from rack (waist height) x 2mins/side,  Roll upper back & traps with ball ON FLOOR x 2mins, Frog stretch x 2mins

A) 1.  Military press 4 x 3 @ 90%

     2.  Push Press 3 x 3 reps (add weight from previous military weight)

B)  10-8-6-4-2 reps of

Hand release Push ups
Box Jumps

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

MWOD: Bottom squat x 2 minutes, skip x 100 + 20 jax, presquat hip opener x 2 minute/side, retest bottom squat x 2 minutes

SQUAT: 5 @ 65%
             5 @ 75%
             5 @ 85%
             5 @ 75%
             5 @ 65%

30 Dubs
30 Situps
30 Squats

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrists on floor x 2mins, Band lat/tri stretch from rack (waist height) x 2min/side, Tspine ext over roller x 20

Skill:  Cleans x 3 reps x 10 mins

EMOTM x 10 mins

3 Deadlifts *start at 60%

*add 5lbs each round until failure.  If failure is reached, take 5lbs off each set until finished.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats x 10 passes each, Band lat stretch from rack (up high) x 1min/side, Roll chest and shoulders x 1 min, Band hip stretch from rack x 1min/side

A)  5 rounds for max reps- 15 min time limit

Bench Press 85%

Body rows/ Chins (use same band as last bench mark)

B)  AMRAP in 10 mins

           10 cal row

           10 burpees

Thursday, October 2, 2014

MWOD: Row x 2 minutes, couch stretch x 3 minute/side, lax ball glutes x 2 minute/side, band shoulder traction x 1 minute/side

LIFT: Deadlift   5 @ 75%
                        3 @ 85%
                        1+@ 95%


3 Rounds
1 Minute of:
Push Press
Hang Squat Clean

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest & traps with ball on post x 4 mins, Roll lats x 20 passes, Frog stretch x 3mins

Clean & Jerks:  1 Clean, 3 Jerks x 12 mins


WOD:  Tabata Mash up 6 rounds of each

20 sec on/10 off alternating between each couple:

A)  Body Rows
      BW Squats

Rest 2 mins

B)  Sit ups
      KB swings