Friday, August 30, 2013

aug 30

MWOD: roll upper back/quads x 2 minutes
              Stretch wrists & forearms x 2 min./side
              band hamstring x 1min/side
              Band lat & triceps combo x 1min/side

 Bench Mark

Squat x 80% for max reps
Chins x1 Set max reps
Clean + Press x 2 minute max reps
Push-Ups x 1 set max reps
Burpees x 2 minute max reps
Dubs x 2 minutes max reps
500m Row

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Aug 29/2013

MWOD: Row x 200m easy
             Lax ball feet x 1 minute/side
             Stretch Calves and ankles x 1 minute/side
             Hip Stretch from rack with band x 1 minute/side
             Bottom Squat for max time

Strongman Stations
Loading Race
Axle Deadlift(135/185)
Circus Db Press  (25/45)
Farmers Carry (55/80)
Tire Flip

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back with lacrosse ball, Tspine ext on peanut x 20, Band shoulder stretch x 3 ways 30 sec per, Super frog with 45lb plate x 2 mins/side

Lift:  5 x 2 climbing sets of:   1 rep Push press and 1 rep Push jerk

Time limit of 15 mins!

WOD:  5 Rounds of:

10 Power cleans (75/135)
10 Burpees

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MWOD: Outside hip stretch x 1minute/side, 
             Roll upper back and legs x 2 minute, 
             lax ball chest and armpits x 1 minute/side, 
             couch stretch x 1 minute/side

Skill: Over head squats x 6minutes

Lift: Bench 5@75% 3@85% 1or + 95%

1 minute of burpees
1 minute of jump rope  
1 minute of v-ups  
1 minute of push-ups
1 minute of DB side raises
**** 3 Turkish Get-Ups per arm after every minute ****

Monday, August 26, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Roll chest w lacrosse ball x 1min, Couch stretch x 1min, Roll glutes x 1min/side, Frog stretch x 20 (paperclipping)

Deadlift- 5 @75%, 3@ 85%, 1 or MORE @ 95%



For time:
10 Push-ups
15 Deadlifts (60%)
25 Box Jumps (30, 24")
50 Body rows
100 Wall Balls
400m Row 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Saturday Aug 23,2013

MWOD: Band Pec Stretch x 1minute/side
              Outside hip Stretch x 1minute/side
               Frog Stretch x 2 minutes
               Band Shoulder Ballerina Stretch x 1minute/side

LIFT : Bench - 3@70% 3@80% 3+@90%
  *No rest between exercises*  
6 Lunges/leg 
6 Alternating DB snatch/side  
6 Thrusters 
6 DB rows/arm  
6 RDLS Rest 30 sec

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Aug 22/13

  • Stretch wrists and forearms on floor x1 minute/side
  • Smash triceps on barbell sleeve x 1minute/side
  • couch stretch x 1minute/side
  • stretch calves and ankles x 2minute.side
Skill: Squat cleans x 5 minutes
LIFT: Squat cleans
        3,2,1,1,1,1  -15 minute time limit
Split Jumps

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back & lats x 1min each,  Band lat/chest/shoulder stretch x 30 sec/way, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Frog x 2mins

Lift:  DB Floor Press 4 x 6reps
            x4 chins every set


WOD:   4 RFT
             21 Wall Balls
             15 KB Swings
               9 Push ups

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

MWOD: Row 200m moderate, couch stretch x 1minute/side, Stretch calves and ankles x 1 minute/side
Band hamstring stretch x 1minute/side

LIFT: Deadlift- 3@70% 3@80% 3@90%

WOD 10 minute AMRAP
5 push press( 75/115)
10 deadlift (75/115)
15 Box jumps (20'/24')

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs thoughly x 5 mins, Roll upper back and chest with lacrosse ball x 2 mins, Roll glutes w lacrosse ball x 1min/side, Super frog w plate x 2 mins/side (use a 45lb plate), Couch x 1min/side

Squat: 3 @70%, 3 @80%, 3 or more @90%


21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:

Front Squat (clean from the floor) 75/115
Toes to Bar

50 Burpees for time

Friday, August 16, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Tspine extensions on peanut with stick x 20, Bottom squat x 2mins, Pre-squat hip opener x 2 mins/side, Stretch calves x 1 min/side

“The Bear”

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Jerk

1 rep per movement.  7 sets without the bar resting on the ground during the set.  Rest between sets only.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mwod:  Lacrosse ball glutes x 1min/side, Roll quads x 1 min/side -be aggressive!, Row 150m medium intensity

DEADLIFT-  5@ 65%, 5 @75%, 5 or more @ 85%

WOD- "Annie"

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

Sit ups

For time.

Finished?  100 Pull aparts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back w lacrosse ball on floor, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Band lat/tri stretch x 1min/side, Lacrosse ball feet x 30 sec per

Bench- 5@ 65%, 5@ 75%, 5 or more @ 85%

AMRAP in 15 mins
10 Body rows
8  Lunges/leg
6 Push ups
4 DB snatch/arm 25/55

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

MWOD: Roll armpits/lats x 1 minute/side
               Band Shoulder traction x 1 minute/side
               T-Spine ext on roller x 25
               Stretch calves and ankles x 1 minute/side

Lift: Clean and Jerk - 12 minutes

2 laps -400m row if raining
30 box jumps
30 wall balls

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs fully hitting every area (quads, calves, IT bands etc), Couch stretch x 2mins, Super frog w plate x 2 mins/side, Roll glutes w lacrosse ball x 1 min per, Shoulder External rotation stretch w stick x 1min/side

Using your new 1RM from last week, calculate 90% and use this as your WORKING MAX, so this is the # you figure your percentages from.

LIFT:  Squat- 5 @65%, 5@ 75%, 5 or more @85%


AMRAP in 15:00

3 Chins
6 Squat Clean 95/65
3 Military Press

Friday, August 9, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs & upper back, Couch x 2mins, Outside hip stretch on box x 2mins/side, Roll chest & shoulders w lacrosse ball

Lift:  Deadlifts- 5 @60%, 3 @75%, 2 @85%, 1 @90%, Work up to 1RM


1 lap of building
5 Tire flips
10 Lunges

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday Aug 8

MWOD: Roll quads x 4 minutes
               Lax ball glutes x 1 minute/side
               Band shoulder traction x 1 minute/side
               Smash rotators on lax ball on floor x 1 minute/side

LIFT: Bench @ 50% 3@60% 2@70% 1@80% 1@90% .... TEST 1RM

WOD: Push-Ups + Chins
Max reps in 5 unbroken sets 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs & upper back, Super frog with plate x 2mins/side, Tspine extensions on roller x 20, Stretch calves x 2mins/side

Here is another doozy for ya's!  Thanks to Crossfit Calgary again :)

1 round for time:
Row 1000m
25 KB Swings
50 Wall balls

100 DUBS
200 Squats



Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aug 6/13

MWOD: Row 200m easy, lax ball glutes x 1 minute/side, lax ball chest + shoulder on post x 2 minutes/side

5 @ 60%
3@ 70%
2@ 80%
1@ 90%
..... Test 1rm

WOD: 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1
Clean and Press(75/135)

Friday, August 2, 2013

MWOD: Roll legs and upper back X2min, Lax ball glutes X1min/side, Band hamstring X90sec/leg, Bottom squat X2min.

Lift: 2ct pause Deadlift - 4X4

WOD: AMRAP 15min
- 20 Body rows
- 20 KB swings
- 20 Lying leg raises
- 20 Box jumps

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1/13

MWOD: Lax ball pecs on post x 1 minute/side, tspine ext on foam roller x 30 reps, band internal rotators stretch x 1 minute/side, smash triceps on barbell x 1/side

Lift: 2ct pause bench                  ss                     Body Rows
       Work up to 4X4                                           4 x 12

30 Clean and Jerks for time