Monday, July 31, 2017

MWOD: skip 100, lax ball glutes x1min/side, frog stretch x2mins, roll calves and ankles x1min/side

Lift: Squat
3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%

DB row 3x15/arm

WOD: Abdominus 1 RFT

Prowler (down and back)
V-ups x30
Leg Raises x10
Back extensions x10

Russian Twists x50
Landmines x30
Hollow Holds x20
Back extensions x10

Prowler (down and back)
Wipers x30
Plank touches x20
Back extensions x10

Thursday, July 27, 2017

MWOD: Jog 2 laps, Lax ball pecs on post x1min/side, Lax ball hips and glutes x1min/side, Couch stretch x1min/side

Lift: Deadlift
3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%

Front Plate Raise 3x15

Body Row
Push Press (65/115)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

MWOD: Jog 2 laps, Lax ball pecs on post x1min/side, Roll Lats + upper back x20 passes each, Band lat/tri stretch x2mins/side

Lift: Bench
3@70, 3@80%, 3+@90%

Band posted Face Pulls 3x15

WOD: 6 min amraps
A) Push-ups x6
SL Glute bridge x6/leg
Burpees x6

B) ALT DB snatch x6/arm
1 Arm Push Press x6/arm
DB Row  x6/arm

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

MWOD: skip 100, lax ball glutes x1min/side, frog stretch x2mins, roll calves and ankles x1min/side

Lift: Squat
+5 lbs to WM
5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%

3 Clean + Press (75/135)
6 Sit-us
9 Wall Balls
12 Body Rows

Monday, July 24, 2017

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back & tspine ext over roller x 20 each, Band lat/tri stretch, Roll traps on post

Military Press 6, 6, 6+ @ 80%

Pull ups max reps each set

WOD:  2 RFT (2nd round starting at swings working backwards)

1 Clean & Jerk (95/135)
2 KB clean & press/arm
3 Push ups
4 DB Thrusters
5 Burpee box jumps
6 Wall Balls
7 Renegade Rows
8 Body Rows
9 RDL's (85/135)
10 K2E
11 KB swings
12 Squat jumps

Thursday, July 20, 2017

MWOD: 2 laps, Lax ball pecs on post x1 min/side, frog stretch, Band pec stretch x1 min/side

Bench: +5lbs to WM

Band Crab Walk

WOD: for time
21 DB push press (25/45)
21 Body Row

15 Push-ups
15 DB row/arm

9 Box jumps
9 DB Snatch/arm (25/45)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads and calves, Frog stretch,  Bottom squat x 2mins

Squat:  3 x 3 @ 65%

No money 3 x 15
BPA 3 x 15

WOD:  EMOTM x 12 mins

min #1  DUBS
min #2  Lunges
min #3  T get ups
min #4  Around the world planks

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

MWOD: Jog 2 laps, Lax ball pecs on post 1 min/side, Roll lats 20 passes, Band lat/tri stretch x1min/side

Lift: Military Press
A) 12 mins: Test 2RM
B) 3x3 Push Press at top set from A)

Thrusters (65/115)
Prowler (one trip each round)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Mwod:  Prowler x 2 trips, Roll upper back & quads x 20 passes each, Roll glutes with ball x 1 min/side, Frog stretch

Deadlift (add 5lbs to working max) 5, 5, 5+ @ 80-85%

YTWL's 3 x 6/way


Run a lap
30 Battle rope slams
15 KB Swings
10 Burpees

Thursday, July 13, 2017

MWOD: Prowler 2 trips, Roll quads x20 passes, Couch stretch x1min/side, Lax ball hips+glutes x1min/side, Outside hip stretch x1min/side

Lift: Squat, 5@75%, 3@85%, 3x1 @95%

WOD: 12 min AMRAP
Waiters Lunge x10/leg
Death March x10/leg
HR pushups x10
BPA x20

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll lats & tspine ext. over roller,  Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch, Roll glutes

Military Press 4 x 3 reps @ 90% (more than last week)

Pull ups 4 x max


7 Power cleans
7 Burpee box jumps

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

MWOD: Row 200m, Gut smash x 1min/side, Band hip stretch from rack x1min/side, Roll quads 20 passes

A) Deadlift 5@75%, 3@85%, 3x1@95%
A2) DB Front raise 3x10
A3) DB Side raise 3x10

WOD: 3RFT (30 min time limit)
Drunk lunge x20
Prowler (down and back)
Body Row x10
Drunk lunge x20
Goblet Squat x10
KB swing x20

Monday, July 10, 2017

Mwod:  2 laps of building, Roll upper back and lats x 20 passes, Band lat tri stretch x 2mins/side

Bench: 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 3 x 1 @ 95+%

Posted BPA 3 x 15

WOD:  AMRAP in 3 mins

3 Burpees
6 ALT. DB snatches
9  Wall Balls

Rest 1 min

3  Burpees
6  DB Clean & Press
9  KB swings

Rest 1 min

3 Burpees
6 Plank Rows
9 Thursters

Saturday, July 8, 2017

100 skips, roll lats x1 min/side, smash calves x 20 passes/side, couch stretch x 1 min/side

clean + push press 5x3
facepull 5x15 (2 count pause!)


1 DL+1 Hangclean+1Thruster
10 Vup
100m Row

Thursday, July 6, 2017

jog 2 laps
roll lats and upperback x20 passes
couch stretch x1min/side
band lat/tri stretch x1min/side

Military Press

band crab walks

WOD: 5 rounds

h.r. push ups x max reps
strict pullups x max reps

B) prowler

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back & lats x 20 passes, Band lat stretch, Roll chest with ball on post

Lift:  Bench  4 x 2 @ 90-100%

Band Crab squat walk 4 x 5/5

B1)  DB rows 2 sets x max reps
B2)  No money 2 x 10/10

WOD:  EMOTM x 10-12 mins

7 Wall Balls
3 Burpees
Lift:  Squat 4 x 2 @ 90-100%

Dead bug 4 x 4/side

BPA 4 x 20


A)  3RFT

6 Hang Cleans
3 Push press

B)  3RFT

5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 BW squats