Friday, January 29, 2016

Row 300M x 1min/side
Hip opener on box x 1min/side
Band Lat/QL Stretch x 1min/side
trap smash on lac ball x 1min/side

Work up to single on clean and jerk or clean and press
take 85% of single and do 3x3


20 Cal Row
15 Thrusters
12 burpees
8 tire flips
6 plank rows

12 BB rows
12 hang cleans
12 front squats

40 dubs
30 v-ups
20 Russian twists
10 T2B

Row 500M

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats x 20 passes each, Stretch wrists x 1min, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Tspine extension over roller or peanut x 20, Band hamstring stretch x 1min/side

Military Press 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

WOD:  For time

DL x 8 reps (65%)-----10 Push ups
DL  x 8-----------15 DB Thrusters
DL x 8---------------20 Wall ball sit ups
DL x8--------------25 KB swings
DL x8------------------30 Rope slams

Finisher:  250 row race

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mwod:  Row 300m, Roll glutes with ball on floor x 1min/side, Outside hip stretch x 1 min/side, Band distracted hip stretch from rack x 1min/side, Bottom squat x 2 mins

Lift:  Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

WOD:  12 min AMRAP

150m Row
12 V-ups
9 Push Press
6 BB row

Monday, January 25, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll feet with lacrosse ball x 1min/side, Roll upper back on floor with lacrosse ball x 2 mins, Frog stretch x 2mins, Stretch wrists x 1min

Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

AMRAP in 15 mins

DB Overhead lunges left hand x 10 ( 5 per)
Body Row x 7
DB OH lunges RH x 10
BB RDL's x 7

Saturday, January 23, 2016

MWOD: Band Lat/Tri Stretch x1min/side, smash Pecs and Traps w/ Lax ball x1min/side, roll Lats with pipe x1min/side, Couch Stretch x1min/side

Lift A) Hang Snatch
Lift B) Hang Clean
Work up to a smooth triple.
Repeat 3 times.

For Time:
30 Box Jumps
30 Jumping Pull-Ups
30 Lunges
30 Kettlebell Swings
30 Knees-to-Elbows
30 Push Press
30 Back Extensions
30 Wall Balls
30 Burpees
30 Double-Unders

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes, Roll upper back x 20 passes, Bottom squat x 1min, Couch stretch x 2 mins/side, Stretch calves x 1min/side

Squat:  3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%


Box Jumps x 5
Split squats x 10/leg
Wipers x15
KB swings x 20

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


1) Row 300m
2) Lax Ball Glutes x1min/side
3) Band Distracted Hamstring x1min/side
4) Lax Ball Neck + Traps x1min/side
5) Roll Lats x20passes




      Push-Ups x6
  SL Glute Bridge x6/leg
      Burpees x6

     DB Snatch x6/arm
 1 Arm Push Press x6/arm
     DB Row x6/arm

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats x 20 passes each side, Band lat tri stretch x 2 mins per side,  Stretch wrists x 1 min, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins per, Bottom squat x 1min

Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

B)  Chins:  AMRAP in 8 mins


C) 5 RFT

Wall Balls x 10
KB Swings x 15
Row 150m

Friday, January 15, 2016


Banded Super Frog x2min
Pre-Squat Hip Opener x1min/side
Glute smash x1 min/side
band lat/tri stretch x1min/side

Squat Clean 4x3@85%

Cal Row 10
Hang Cleans 10
Push Press 10
Burpees 10
Ropes 20
Prowler down and back

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll glutes w ball x 2mins/side, Band hamstring stretch from rack x 2mins/side,
Outside hip stretch on bench x 1min/side, Roll upper back with ball x 1min

DEADLIFT:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

WOD:  For Time


25 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts (65%)
50 Dubs

20 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
40 Dubs

15 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
30 Dubs

10 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
20 Dubs

5 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
10 Dubs

Mwod:  Skip x 100, Jax x 20, Squats x20

Roll lats and upper back x 1 min\side
Roll chest on post x 1 min/side
Band internal rotation stretch x 1 min/side
KB hip smash x 1 min/side

Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85% 
Pull aparts 3 x 20

WOD:  12 min AMRAP

3-6-9-12-15-18-21 reps of

Alt DB snatch
V ups
Side Plank/side

Monday, January 11, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Band lat/tri stretch x 1minside, Bottom squat x 2mins

Squat:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

WOD:  52 Pick up- No face cards

Hearts- DB push press
Diamonds- DB row
Spades- DB Lunges
Clubs- DB RDL's
Aces- 5 Burpees

Friday, January 8, 2016

MWOD: Row 300M, smash pecs and traps on post with lac ball x 1 min each, couch stretch x1 min each, glute smash with lac ball x1min each

Hang Clean work up to 3 RM

21-15-9 complex

8 deadlifts
7 cleans
6 front squats
8 leg raises
7 knees to bows
6 toes to bar

6 deadlifts
5 cleans
4 front squats
6 leg raises
5 knees to bows
4 toes to bar

4 deadlifts
3 cleans
2 front squats
4 leg raises
3 knees to bows
2 toes to bar

Thursday, January 7, 2016


1) Row 300M
2) Lax Ball Glutes + Hips x2mins/side
3) Pre-Squat Hip Opener x1min/side
4) KB Stretch x1min/side
5) Couch Stretch x1min/side


5x3 Test 3RM


For Time + Quality

Box Jumps (20/24)
Push Press (75/135)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mwod:  Skip x 2mins, Roll lats x 20 passes, Frog stretch x 2 mins, Stretch wrists x 1 min, Roll chest and shoulders with ball x 2mins

Bench 5 x3 work up to 3 RM 

WOD:  AMRAP in 12 mins

10 Burpees- 5 Chins- 10 Dubs
9 Burpees - 5 Push ups - 10 Dubs
8 Burpees - 5 Chins - 10 Dubs
7 Burpees - 5 Push ups - 10 Dubs

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mwod:  Row 300m, Smash traps & upper back on ball on the floor x 3mins, Smash pecs on post with ball x 2mins/side, Band shoulder traction x 1min/side

Lift: Military Press Test 3 RM

WOD:  EMOTM x 14mins

Odd:  Deadlift x 5 @ 65%
Even:  Squat Jump x 10

Monday, January 4, 2016

Mwod:  Row 300m, Roll quads and upper back x 20 passes, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Band hamstring from rack x 1min/side, Roll glutes x 1min/side

Deadlift:  5 x 3 reps - work up to a current 3 RM

WOD:  Filthy Fifty

50 Cal row
50 Hand release push ups
50 Thrusters (25/45)
50 Lunges (25/45)
50 DB side raises
50 Body rows
50 Burpees

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Row 300m
Banded Superfrog x 2min
Band Lat/Tri Stretch x 1min/side
Smash Glutes with Lax Ball x1min/side

Bench 4 x 3 @ 85%

WOD: Three Rounds for Time
Skip 1 minute
10 Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Barbell Rows
Skip 1 minute
10 High Pulls
10 Barbells Push Ups
10 Barbell Rows
Skip 1 minute
10 Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Barbells Rows