Friday, May 29, 2009

W.O.D. May 30, 2009

warm up: 10 Stage Jumps, 20 Jax, 30 Ropes, 40 Jax, 50 Ropes

"To The End"
25 Burpees
50 Pushups
75 Squats
100 Situps
75 Squats
50 Pushups
25 Burpees

Thursday, May 28, 2009

W.O.D. May 28, 2009

warm up: 1 min sitting wall Squat, 1 min Jump Rope, 1 min wall Squat X 2

Partners working together to complete 100 reps of each exercise. Only one partner working at an exercise at a time, while the other Jump Ropes or Jumping Jax.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

W.O.D. May 27th, 2009

Warm up: Push ups x 10, Jump rope x 2 min, Push ups x 10 x 2 rounds


"Gorilla See, Gorilla Do"
1 min stations, 45 sec rest, AMRAP

Push Press
Turkish Get ups
Jumping Med Ball Slams
Field goals

This WOD will be done in partners. The goal is to out-work your partner by counting your reps per minute. Pick someone who is about your skill level or better, and try to out-rep them.

"We conquer by continuing" -George Matheson James

Here's Lisa and Sheri workin' hard. Sheri was throwing up those big weights no problem.

And she doubted herself.

No going back now....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

W.O.D. May 26, 2009

warm up: 1 min wall Squats, 15 Situps, 15 Pushups X 2

Burpee Press x 10

Squats x 20

Burpee Press x 10

D.B. Snatches x 20/arm

Burpee Press x 10

Stage Jumps x 20

Burpee Press x 10

Situps x 20

Monday, May 25, 2009

W.O.D. May 25th, 2009

It is my pleasure to announce that the 2nd Transformation Challenge at both Ultimate Fitness locations will be commencing next week for our June & July Bootcamps.
Get in, get your pic taken and get measured up cause this is going to be a fun ride!
I know we have a few brides in our Bootcamps at the moment, so this will be a great way to amp up the intensity of our work outs and get those results fast to look smokin' hot on the big day!
And remember, we have referral gifts, so if you know anyone who you think would enjoy our classes, let them in on the secret and both of you will reap the benefits!!
Ok, now for the WOD....I named this after a personal training client of ours that was lucky enough to be the guinea pig to test out how destructible this W.O. would be.
She highly recommended it for you guys....Thanks Mel!

Warm up: DB or BB complex
Clean & Press Burpee, Front Squat, Push Press, High Pull for 5 reps each x 4 sets
20 Thrusters
5 Dead lifts
125 Jump rope
15 Thrusters
10 Dead lifts
100 Jump rope
10 Thrusters
15 Dead lifts
75 Jump rope
5 Thrusters
20 Dead lifts
50 Jump rope
"A Warrior can not be distracted by the minds of the non-believers"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

W.O.D. May 23, 2009

warm up: 100 Ropes, 10 Squats, 10 pushups, 10 situps X 2

"Lunge Buffet"
10 Burpees
10 Situps
Lunge Down and Back
10 Pushups
10 Rolling Planks
Lunge Down and Back
Finisher: 100 Jump Rope X 3
**rolling plank = left side plank to right and back = 1

Thursday, May 21, 2009

W.O.D. May 21, 2009

warm up: Plank x 90 sec, 10 Squat Jumps, 30 Jax, 10 Squat Jumps X 2

Burpees x 10
Thrusters x 20
Situps x 30
Burpees x 10
Pushups x 20
Situps x 30
Burpees x 10
Swings x 20
Situps x 30
Burpees x 10
Lunges x 10/leg
Situps x 30
Finisher: Jump Rope x 50, 15 sec rest X 10

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

W.O.D. May 20th, 2009

Apparently you have to sprain your ankle to get Bootcamper of the Week around here....

Warm up: Medicine ball Slams x 50 + Medicine ball Twists x 50 x 3 rounds

"Tabata Somethin' Else...Sprained Ankle Friendly"
(On behalf of Hardcore Mark, Bootcamper of the Week)

8 rounds
20 sec work, 10 sec rest


Push Press

Leg Raises

DB Snatches

Lateral Raises

I don't think he will be doing any of this for a while...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

W.O.D. May 19th, 2009

Warm up: 1 min Plank, 10 Squats, 50 Jax X 2

"Thanks for Remembering...."
Stage Jumps x 22
Situps x 22
Burpees x 22
Jump Rope x 220
DB Clean and Press x 22
Pushups x 22
Push Press x 22
Jump Rope x 220
Finisher: 250m Row

Friday, May 15, 2009

W.O.D. May 16th, 2009

This weeks W.O.D. is named after our long time Bootcamper Marie.
For the last month, we have been hosting a 5pm & a 6pm class in Renfrew.
This week Marie did both classes in one night.
That's Bootcamper of the Week material without a doubt.
Too bad Marie has to work this weekend and miss her W.O.D. .....

*Reminder, the gym is closed on Monday, May 18th,

So, here's Marie....

Warm up: Jumping Jax x 50 + Squats x 15 + Jumping Jax x 50 + Push ups x 15 + Jumping Jax x 50 + Sit ups x 15


DB Swings x 10
1 Burpee

DB Swings x 10
2 Burpees



DB Swings x 10
10 Burpees

Repeat in reverse order.

Have a great Victoria Day Weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

W.O.D May 14th, 2009



1 Squat
1 Burpee
1 Push up
1 Sit up

2 Squats
2 Burpees
2 Push ups
2 Sit ups


A.M.R.A.P in 20 mins

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

W.O.D. May 13th, 2009

"What Comes Around, Is All Around"
20 Minute AMRAP
10 Weighted Walking Lunges
5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Dips

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

W.O.D. May 12th, 2009

Warm up: Tabata Thrusters x 5 rounds

"Team Quest"

100 Push ups
50 Turkish Get ups
100 Squats
50 Burpees
100 Sit ups
500 Jump ropes
100 Medicine Ball Crunch and Toss

Monday, May 11, 2009

W.O.D. May 11th, 2009

Warm up: Tabata Jump rope x 8 rounds



10 Rounds

1 min of squats

5 Burpees

10 Sit ups

1 min of squats

Carrie was last weeks bootcamper of the week.

Mainly for just working hard, and not complaining about the sandbags! Keep it up Carrie.

Friday, May 8, 2009

W.O.D. May 9th, 2009

This W.O.D. is on behalf of all the Bootcampin' mom's out there for Mother's Day.

Warm up: Inchworm race x 4 trips

"Mother's Day Meltdown"

100 Squats

90 Jump ropes

80 Calorie row

70 Sit ups

60 DB Snatches

50 Push ups

40 Thrusters

30 Box Jumps

20 Burpees

10 Dead lifts

Here's a couple of moms busting some ass!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

W.O.D. May 7th, 2009

warm up:
25 Jax, 20 Squats, 15 situps, 10 Pushups, 5 Burpees X 2

" Eat My Shorts "
Pushups x 15
Sandbag Rows x 15
Situps x 15
Sandbag Squats x 15
D.B. Swings x 15
Sandbag Clean and Press x 15
Stage Jumps x 15
Sandbag Dead Lifts x 15
3 Rounds for Time
Finisher: 10 Burpees, 20 Jax, 30 Ropes, 40 Jax, 50 Ropes

W.O.D May 6th, 2009

Warm Up: Sandbag lunges, squats, lunges, C&P, lunges


"Swayze Train"

Complete 2 Rounds

1 min, jump rope

1 min, push ups

1 min, jump rope

1 min, squats

1 min, jump rope

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

W.O.D. May 5th, 2009

Apparently while Paul and I were away, a new crop of Bootcampers joined in on the fun. I wanted to send props out to our "newbies" that appeared out of nowhere and totally kicked some serious Bootcamp ass! Both Katie and Hannah have had W.O.D's named after them last week. You might remember them....

Way to go girls, keep it going strong.



Warm up: Sandbag relay



50 Star Jumps

25 Push ups

50 Sit ups

25 Stage Jumps

50 Jumping Jax

25 Sandbag Shoulders

50 Squats

25 Clean & Press Burpees

50 Jump rope

25 Field goals

50 Thrusters

25 Burpees

Here's a trio that are still all smiles even after a gruesome W.O.D. and a 500m row for a finisher.

Monday, May 4, 2009

W.O.D. May 4th, 2009

Warm up: Lunges down and back + 15 Squats x 2 rounds

"Point Break"

AMRAP in 25 mins

2 Points ***********1 Point

500m Row ************250m Row

Sandbag C&P x 10 ************Sandbag C&P x 6

25 Burpees ************15 Burpees

50 Dub's ************25 Dub's

DB snatches x 10/arm ************DB snatches x 10/arm

(using over 20lbs)*************(less than 20lbs)

That's an oldie!

Friday, May 1, 2009

W.O.D. May 2nd, 2009

The end of another 4 weeks is upon us. What a better way to finish it than to have a great W.O.D. ....

Warm up: Jumping Jax x 50, 10 Turkish get ups /arm, Jumping Jax x 50
"To The End"
For best time
25 Burpees
50 Push ups
75 Squats
100 Sit ups
75 Squats
50 Push ups
25 Burpees
250m Row