Tuesday, October 30, 2012

WOD for Wednesday Oct. 31 (Happy Halloween! Don't go too hard in the candy!)

Roll upper back + lats, band shoulder stretch x30sec/side, stretch wrists + forearms x1min/per

LIFT: Clean + Press 5x5

WOD: 2 Rounds

AMRAP in 2mins
- Dips
- Rest 1 min
AMRAP in 2 mins
- Weighted sit-ups
- Rest 1 min
AMRAP in 2 mins
- Chins/body rows
- Rest 1 min
AMRAP in 2 mins
- Wall Balls

WOD for Tuesday Oct 30.12
MWOD: Roll upper back + legs, Frog Stretch x2min, Band hip stretch from rack x2min, Lax ball glutes.

Lift: Squatz

WOD: 10 mins AM(reps)AP

Deadlift @ 80% for quality reps

Sunday, October 28, 2012

WOD for Monday Oct 29/12
MWOD: Roll upper back + legs, Band internal shoulder rotation x1min/side, Scap slides x20

Lift: Bench Press

Superset with band pull-aparts x20 each set

WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Reps for time of:

Power cleans (75/135)
Lunges per leg (loaded)


Will (arnprior)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mwod:  Band distracted hip from rack x 1 min/side, Band hamstring x 1 min/side, Outside hip stretch x 1min/side, Roll upper back.

Deadlift- 5@ 65%, 5@ 75%, 5 @ 85%, Down set of 10 @ 65%


10 Renegade Rows
12 Thrusters
10 Alternating DB snatches
200 m Row

Thursday, Oct 25th


Chins x max reps
Clean & press AMRAP in 2 mins
Dubs AMRAP in 2 mins
Push ups AMRAP in 2 mins
Burpess AMRAP in 2 mins
500m Row

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back, Lacrosse ball chest and upper back, Chest stretch on wall x 1min/side

4 rounds-
As many reps as possible or accumulate 250 reps as quickly as possible

AMRAP in 1 min
KB Swings 55/36

Rest 30 sec

AMRAP in 1 min
V ups

Rest 30sec

AMRAP in 1 min
Power Clean (75lbs)

AMRAP in 1 min
Row (cals)

Rest 1 min

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs and upper back, Squat opener x 1 min/side, Stretch calves x 1 min/side, Shoulder external rotation stretch w stick x 1 min/side, bottom squat x 2 mins
SQUAT- 5 @65%, 5 @75%, 3 sets of 5 @ 85%
For time
25 Thrusters
10 Dubs
20 Thrusters
10 Dubs
15 Thrusters
10 Dubs
10 Thursters
10 Dubs
5 Thrusters
10 Dubs

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs and upper back, Squat opener x 1 min/side, Band hamstring x 1 min/side, Band lat stretch x 1 min/side

Turkish get ups x 5/side, 3/side, 1/side, 1/side
- work up to heavy single each arm


4 Rounds

10 Alternating DB snatches
20 Alternating single arm KB Swings
30 Russian Twists 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

MWOD: Lax Ball Feet x1min/foot, Foam roll quads x1min/side, Roll glutes x1min/side, Frog Stretch x2mins

Deadlift 5@50-60%, 3@75%, 2@85%, 3 sets of 2 @90-95%


WOD: "Fight Gone Bad" (compare to sep 4/2012)

3x5 min rounds/ 1min rest in between
Wall Balls
SDHP (65)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (65/95)
Row (cals)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

MWOD:  Shoulder external rotation w stick x 1 min/side, Roll upper back and lats, Band lat stretch from rack x 1 min/side, Couch x 2 mins/side

Bench – 5 @65%, 3 @85%, 1 @95%
*take more than one rep if first rep @95% feels solid, or take up to 3 singles with 95%+

4 Rounds
200m Row
Barbell Rows ×8 *increasing
Push Press – ×6 * increasing

Time left?:
Plank Hold – 4 x max time
Toes To Bar – 4× 8-12 reps

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MWOD: Band shoulder traction x1min/side, side lying shoulder capsule stretch x1min/side, Frog stretch x2min, Lacrosse ball glutes x1min/side

Squat: 6x2 Reps @ 85-90%
example: Bar x6, 50% x5, 75% x2, 85% x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2


25 sit-ups
25 body rows

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Couch x 2 mins/side, Band lat stretch from rack x 1 min/side

Clean & Press- 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 reps


2 Rounds

AMRAP in 2 mins
Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 2 mins
GHR sit ups
Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 2 mins
Chins/Body rows
Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 2 mins
Wall Balls

Friday, October 12, 2012

ATTENTION:  There will be no instructor in Renfrew Saturday morning due to both coaches attending the powerlifting meet in Ottawa, but the WOD will be on the board for anyone that would like to get a morning class in.

The 9am class in Arnprior will run as usual.

Mwod: Roll upper back and legs, Band hip stretch from rack x 2 mins/side, Band shoulder stretch x3 ways x 1 min/side

Chins- 50 reps for time
How many can you get without a band????

For Time - Distribute reps however you choose

75 Power Cleans (65lbs/115lbs)
100 Box Jumps

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Couch x 2 mins/side, Lacrosse ball glutes, Outside hip stretch x 1 min/side

Deadlift- 75% x5, 85% x3, 95% x1 or more

1 round for time

400 m row
50 KB swings
40 Med ball squat cleans
30 OH lunges
20 Alternating DB snatches
10 T.G.U's

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MWOD: Lacrosse ball feet x1min/side, Lacrosse ball glutes x1min/side, outside hip stretch on bench/box x1min/leg, band hamstrings x1min/side, lying shoulder capsule x1min/side, scap floor slides x20.
LIFT: Bench Press

WOD: "Liz"

10 RFT:

push ups x10
sit ups x10
thrusters x10 (45/65)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back & legs, Couch x 2 mins/side, Lacrosse ball glutes x 1 min/side

100 Lunges
90 Sit-Ups
80 Jumping Jax
70 Squats
60 Push-Ups
50 K.B Swings
40 D.B Dead Lifts
30 Push Press
20 Box Jumps
10 Burpees

Thursday, October 4, 2012

MWOD: Frog Stretch x 2mins, roll feet on lax ball x1min/foot, Couch stretch 2min/side, T-spine extension on Rower x 20 reps

WOD: Squat 80% x 10 mins for max QUALITY REPS

Deadlift 80% x 10 mins for max QUALITY REPS

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and armpits, Band shoulder/lat/tri stretch from rack x 1 min/side, Stretch wrists/forearms x 1 min/arm, Outside hip stretch on bench x 2 mins/side

For time:
30 Clean and Jerk - 115/75


AMAP in 10 mins.

Time left?  Row 400m

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Lacorsse ball chest and upper back, Band hamstring stretch x 1min/side

Deadlifts- 3 x70%, 3x 80%, 3 x90%

52 pick up

Hearts-Box Jumps
Clubs-KB swings

All face cards are 10 reps.
Ace= 10 Burpees