Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thurs Mar 31/16

Deadlift  4X6 @75-80%


15 min AMRAP

8 DL
8 BB Row
8 Hang clean
8 Push Press

10 burpees everytime you put down the bar

Wed Mar 30/16

2ct pause Bench 4X2


10 Body row
20 Push-ups
30 v-ups
40 KB Swings
50 Dubs

Tues Mar 29/16

2ct Pause Squat 4X2 @75ish

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Mar 28/16

1) Row 300m
2) Roll T-spine 20 passes
3) T-spine Ext on roller 20 reps
4) Band shoulder traction X1min/side
5) Couch stretch X1min/side

Lift:   A1)Military Press  5X8 reps
         A2) Strict chins  5X 50% of your max reps


25 T2B
50 Body rows
50 push-ups
25 Box Jumps


Thursday, March 24, 2016

MWOD: Row 250M, lax ball glutes x2 mins/side, brand hamstring stretch from post x20 bends/side
banded super frog x2 mins, t-spine ext. on roller x20 reps

Lift: 2 ct Pause Deadlift


10 Min AMRAP
db step ups
db plank row

20 v-ups
40 russian twists
20 v-ups

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Stretch wrists on floor x 2mins, Roll upper back ON FLOOR with ball x 1min, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side

Cleans skills x 6 mins

Lift:  Work up to heavy triple (4 x 3)


Twisted Lizzy- 
10 Rounds for time of:

10 DB Thrusters 
10 Burpees


Monday, March 21, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Bottom squat x 2mins, Couch x 2min/side, Roll glutes x 1 min/side, External rotation stretch with stick x 1 min/side

2 ct Pause Squat 4 x 5 reps @ 70%-ish

WOD:  Tabata YA!

For max reps each exercise, 20 on/10 off, x 8 rounds each

Rest 2 mins

Rest 2 mins

Row Cals
Rest 2 mins

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll upper back x 20 passes, Tspine extension over roller x 10, Band lat/tri stretch x 2 mins/side, stretch wrists on floor x 2mins

Lift:  Push Press  work up to heavy triple (5 x 3)

Chins:  Max reps in 6 mins

WOD:  AMRAP in 12-15 mins

10 Renegade rows
20 KB swings
30 Dubs
40 Russian Twists

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Lax ball glutes  x 2mins/side, KB pec smash x 2mins/side, Banded super frog x 2 mins

Deadlift  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, 2 @ 95-97.5%

WOD:  For time

10 Hang cleans
30 Push ups
20 Hang cleans
20 Push ups
30 Hang cleans
10 Push ups

Monday, March 14, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll legs and upper back x 20 passes each, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Band lat stretch x 2mins/side, Roll chest and shoulders with ball

A1)  Bench:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%
A2)  DB Row 3 x 10/arm

Chins x max reps in 6 mins

WOD:  EMOTM x 10 mins

Push Press x 1
Push Jerk x 1
Split Jerk x 1


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes, Super frog stretch (with band) x 2mins, Roll calves on barbell x 1min/side, Stretch calves x 2mins/side

Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Diamond cutter

250 squats for time

*EMOTM 5 Burpees

Finished?  100 Pull aparts and roll your quads again!
Mwod:  Row 3 mins, Roll pecs and traps on post, Band pec stretch x 1 min/side, couch stretch x 1min/side, shoulder internal rotation stretch x 1min/side

Bench 3 @ 79, 80, 90%  ss  Band pull aparts x 25

Wod:  8 min amrap

8 power cleans
8 chins

B) 50 sit ups
plank x max time
50 leg raises

Monday, March 7, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads & upper back x 20 passes each, Band hip stretch from rack (facing rack) x 2mins/side, Roll glutes x 1min/side, Outside hip stretch on bench x 2mins/side

Deadlift:  2ct pause 5 x 5 reps

WOD:  15 min AMRAP

1x Farmers walk down & back
2 Burpees
3 Push ups
4 Box Jumps
5 Wall balls
6 Reverse Lunges (3/leg)

Friday, March 4, 2016

row 300M
band lat/tri stretch x1 min/side
banded super frog x2 min
roll traps on lax ball on FLOOR x1 min/side

Clean and Jerk:

work up to smooth single and then drop to 3x3@85% of single


5 Front Squats 165/105
18 pull-ups
5 Deadlifts 225/155
18 toes to bar
5 jerks 165/105
18 hand release pushups

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins,  Smash upper back & armpits with ball x 2 mins,  Band lat/tri stretch x 1min/side, Tspine ext over roller x 10, Roll legs x 1min/side


Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85% 
*add 5lbs to working max

B1)  Reverse flys 4 x 15
B2)  Band face pulls 4 x 20


8 Chins
8 Box jumps
8 DB Thrusters
24 Dubs

Mwod:  Row 300m, Smash glutes & hips x 2 mins/side, Band hamstrings from rack x 1min/side, Smash calves on barbell x 1 mins/side

Lift:  Squat *add 5lbs to WM

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

12 min AMRAP

7 push ups
14 Plank rows
21 v ups
28 Kb swings