Friday, October 29, 2010


Here's the line-up for the games tomorrow at the NEW Renfrew Location! (10:30AM)

Regular Dynamic/mobility warm-up

"Bench Mark"

Max p-ups - 2 min
Max Sit-ups- 2 min
Max Burpees- 2 mins
T-Get-ups for Max weight (5/arm)
Max Dubs - 2 mins
500m Row

THERE WILL BE 4 Judges watching very closely.

push-ups - Chest must touch floor each rep
Sit-ups - Fingers on temples, shoulders must touch the floor each rep
Burpees- sprawl flat at the bottom and clap overhead each rep, feet must clear the floor on the jump
T-Get-ups- All 5 reps on each arm, one arm must be completed before switching, arm must remain extended for the up and DOWN portion of the movement.

Team scoring will be a combined total of reps on push-ups, sit-ups, burps, dubs. Total weight lifted for T-get-ups.
Lowest combined score for 500m rows

Barbell Squat for Reps
One attempt for max reps (135lbs men/95lbs women)

Barbell Clean and Press
Clean each rep from the floor (95lbs men/ 65lbs women)

Team scoring will be combined reps for each team on each event.

HEAD TO HEAD PROWLER RELAY RACE (weather permitting)

Let's kick some ACE and have fun.

See you at the gym!


"Recharge The Batteries"

Warm-up: 20 sit-ups, 20 leg raises X 2
AMRAP 15 mins
300 M Row
30 Step-ups
30 V-ups
Recovery Work: 3 Minutes each of the following stations
Foam Roll
Foot Roll
Hamstring stretch
Ext/ Int Shoulder Stretches
World's Best

Thursday, October 28, 2010

W.O.D October 28, 2010


: 20 dubs, 10 burpees, 20 dubs

"Planks Rock!"

1 min. plank
30 Jump Jax
15 Renegade Rows
30 Wall Ball Sit-Ups

1 min. plank
30 Mountain Climbers
15 Push-Ups
30 Squats (with weights!)

1 min. plank
30 Star Jumps
15 D.B. Clean + Press
30 V-Sits

Finisher: 100 pull aparts

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WOD Oct 27th, 2010

Warm up: 20 Squats, 15 KB Swings, 10 Push ups, 20 Squats
Dead lifts x 5----------10 Burpees
Dead lifts x 5------20 T.G.U.'s (10 per)
Dead lifts x 5---------30 DB Rows (15 per)
Dead lifts x 5------------40 Wall Balls
Dead lifts x 5-------------------50 Russian Twists
Finished? 100 Pull Aparts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WOD Oct 26/10

W-up: DB snatch X 45 seconds per arm, Band pull aparts X 1 min

Rower x 200m

Push Press x 15

Dubs x 20

5 Rounds For Time
Finisher: Side Plank x 30 Sec Each, 20 V-Ups, 20 Hip-Thrusters

Monday, October 25, 2010

WOD October 25th, 2010

Warm-up : Turkish get-ups x 10/arm

"Pain Tornado"
For Time
100 lunges
90 sit ups
80 jax
70 squats
60 push ups
50 DB swings
40 DB dead lift
30 push press
20 box jumps
10 burpees

Saturday, October 23, 2010

WOD October 23, 2010

Warm up: 10 Push ups, 20 Squats, 20 Med ball Tosses

"Dirty Dozen"
12 Clean & Press Burpees
24 Med Ball Side Slams
36 Pull Aparts
48 Russian Plate Twists
60 Star Jumps

3 Rounds for Time
Here are some pics of the Renfrew Campers kicking ass in the new facility. Getting ready for Bootcamp games!!!


Friday, October 22, 2010

WOD October 22nd, 2010

Warm up: Farmers walk down and back x 2, Burpees x 10, Farmers Walk, Star Jumps x 20, Farmers Walk
Field Goals x 15
Wipers x 20
Sit-Ups x 15 (weighted)
Cossack Squats x 20
TABATA Ropes x 4 Rounds
Inch-Worm x Long Way x 2 Trips
Med Ball Twist x 50
Plank-Shoulder Touches x 24
V-Sit Ups x 10 (weighted)
TABATA Jax x 4 rounds

AMRAP x 20 Mins

Thursday, October 21, 2010

W.O.D October 21, 2010

Shoulder Circuit (12/direction), 20 Jump Jax


5 Burpees
20 Dips

5 Burpees
20 Lying Leg Raises

5 Burpees
20 Squats (with weights!)

5 Burpees
20 Clean+Press

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WOD Oct 20, 2010

Warm up: 10 Squats, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Push ups, 10 Burpees
50 Wall Balls
2 mins Dubs
40 Wall Ball Sit ups
1 min KB Swings
30 Pull Aparts
1 min of Turkish Get ups
20 1 arm Push Press
2 mins Dubs
Bring a sweater for some prowler time!
A date has been finalized for Bootcamp games. Mark down Oct 30th, 10:30am at the new location in Renfrew on your calender. We are taking the first 8 campers from each location, so sign up ASAP if you want in. More details to follow....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

W.O.D October 19, 2010

Warm-Up: 10 Tuck Jumps, 10 Dislocates, 20 Band-Pull Aparts, 10 Tuck Jumps

"Go for it!!!"

10 Box Jumps
20 D.B Rows (x 10/arm)
200 ropes

10 Renegade P-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers

Monday, October 18, 2010

WOD Oct 18th 2010

W/up: B.W. Lunges x 20, Groiners x 20, Push ups x 10 x 2 Rounds

"Century of Fun!"
100 DB Snatches
100 Squats
100 Push Press
100 Swings

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WOD Oct 14/2010


DB Complex-
Bent rows X6
Clean and press X6
Front Sqaut X 6

2 rounds

"Lunge Buffet"

Lunge down
Burpees X5

Lunge Back

AMRAP 20 mins

Use an overhead lunge variation on every second round

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WOD Oct 13/10

"Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price." - Vince Lombardi

Who's Ready To Come Work Hard Today?

W-Up: Med Ball Ab circuit X 15/ direction


DB Clean & Press X8
Jax X 8
Mountain Climbers X32

150m Row

Push-ups X8
Lunges X 16/leg
Squats X 32 (with weight)

150m Row

DB Clean and press X 8
DB Row X 16/arm
Sit-ups X 32

150m Row

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

WOD Oct 12/2010

W-Up: 20 X Cossack, 10 X push-ups, 5 X turkish get-ups per arm

4 Rounds
400m row (Arnprior) 2 laps of building (Renfrew)
15 DB snatch per arm
15 standing long jump
15 Body rows
For time

Friday, October 8, 2010

W.O.D October 9, 2010

Warm-Up: 100 Ropes, 15 P-ups, 100 Ropes


10 Burpees

Med. Ball Twist x50
Lying Leg Raises x 20

Jumping Jax x50
Wall Balls x 20

Sit Ups x50
Med. Ball Twist x 20
V-Ups x20

Burpees x10

Finisher: AB Circuit !!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

W.O.D October 8, 2010

Warm-Up: 10 Dubs, 50 Ropes, 3 way-shoulders, 10 Dubs, 50 Ropes
Back to Basics
3-6-9-12-15 = Sit-Ups (with med. ball)
6-12-18-24-30 = Burpees
9-18-27-36-45 = Push-Ups
***After each round do 20 squats!!!***
Ex: 3 sit-ups, 6 burpees, 9 push-ups, 20 squats
6 sit-ups, 12 burpees, 18 push-ups, 20 squats

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

W.O.D. Oct 6th 2010

W-Up: Sit-ups X 10, Lying leg raise X 10, Med ball twist X 50 (2 Rounds)


5 minutes at each station, as many 5 rep sets as possible, 2 campers per station


Push Press


Back Extension

Floor Press

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5, 2010

Warm-Up: 10 squats, 3 way-shoulders, 10 band pull-apart

"Move It!"

5 T-Ups (5/arm!)
25 Med. Ball Twists

10 Box Jumps
20 Med. Ball Twists

15 Dips
15 Med. Ball Twists

20 Dubs
10 Med. Ball Twists

25 Wall Balls
5 Med. Ball Twists

Monday, October 4, 2010

Warm up: 50-10-50

"Squat, Push, Squat!"
4 rounds for time
20 KB Swings
40 Push Press
60 Squats
40 Lunges
20 Push ups

Friday, October 1, 2010

WOD October 2, 2010

"I *heart* Saturday Mornings!"

Warm-Up: 100 Ropes, 20 Cossack Squats, 5 Burpees

8 Rounds

200m Row
10 Jump Squats
20 Thrusters
30 Sit-Ups

**After every ODD number of rounds= 100 Ropes**
** After every EVEN number of rounds= 10 Mountain Climbers**

Have a great weekend EVERYONE!!!