Friday, September 28, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Band stretch x shoulder/chest/lat x 30 sec/way, Lacrosse ball glutes, Frog x 2 mins

AMRAP in 12 mins

Power Clean to Front Squat x 5
150m Row
Deadlift x 5 (75% of working max)

Rest 2 mins

AMRAP in 8 mins

Pull Aparts x15

*Count your DUBS for a total!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

MWOD: Couch Stretch x 1min/side, Stretch wrists + forearms on floor x 2min, Calf stretch 1min/side
Benchmark 2.0

Max chins, Max Clean + Press (65/135), Max Push-ups, Max Dubs, Max Burpees, 500m Row for time

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs and back, Couch x 2 mins/side, bottom squat x 2 mins

SQUAT- 5 @75%, 3 @85%, 1 or more @95% -if you don't have a squat 1RM, now is the time to try one.

As many rounds in 12 minutes:
20 OH Lunges (10/leg)
15 KB Swings
10 Toes to bar

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MWOD: Band internal shoulder rotation x 1min/side, Scap Slides x20, Lacrosse ball traps/upper back x 1min/side
LIFT: Bench Press - 3@70%,   3@80%,   3+ @ 90%
Band Hand Walk x 10/dir
Jump & touch x50
Bin Squat x40
Sit ups x30
Push ups x 20
Barbell Row x 10


Shout out to G-unit who made his very own sweat angel at bootcamp last night!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs and upper back, Band hamstring from rack x 2 mins/side, Low band tri/lat/shoulder stretch x 1 min/side, Botttom squat x 2mins

-Partner WOD- Thanks to Crossfit Edmonton for this one!

AMRAP in 8 mins (total cals)
Partner 1 – Row (cals)
Partner 2 – 3 Turkish get ups/side (20lbs/36lbs)

-Rest 3 mins-

AMRAP in 10 mins
5 Power Cleans (65/135)
7 Burpees
9 Box jumps

(Go round for round)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Remember Renfrew crew, class time is at 9:30am tomorrow morning!

MWOD:  Make sure to do this, it will help your WOD!
Roll upper back and lats, Frog x 2 mins, Low band shoulder/lat stretch x 1 min/side, Stretch wrists & forearms x 1min, Bottom squat x 1 min

Front Squats 5 x 5 reps-work up to heavy set
15 Pull Aparts

Tabata Mash up-
20 sec on/10 off alternating between each couple:

6 Rounds of each
BB Push press

Rest 2 mins

6 Rounds of each
Box Jumps
Back Extensions

Thursday, September 20, 2012

MWOD: Couch stretch x1min/side,  Band shoulder traction x 1min/side,  Band internal rotation stretch for shoulders x1min/side
Lift: Deadlifts 65% x 5,  75% x 5,  85% x 5+

WOD: Abdominus

Russian twist x 40
Lying leg raise x 30
Jumping Jacks x 50
Situps x 50
Ab wheel x 15
V-ups x 20
Burpees x 10

* Sat Sept. 22nd Class is at 9:30am

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I had a request for an old WOD, so I pulled this one out of the Oct 2010 archives.  Hope you like it!
Mwod:  Roll legs and upper back, Band hamstring from rack x 2 mins/side, Lacrosse ball to glutes, chest ,and shoulders.

50 Thrusters

2 mins Dubs

40 Wall Ball Sit ups

2 mins KB Swings

30 Pull Aparts

2 mins of Turkish Get ups

20 1 arm Push Press (10 per)

2 mins Dubs


Bring a sweater for some prowler time tonight!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WOD Sept 18/2012

MWOD:  Roll Quads 2mins/side (put some effort and focus into this),  Roll Lats 1min/side, Bottom squat X2 mins

SKILL:  Arnprior- Med ball squat cleans , Renfrew- HSPU  5 mins skills developement

Lift:  Squat- 3 @70%, 3 @80%, 3 or more @90%

WOD:  (Courtesy of Crossfit O-town)

7 min AMRAP
7 Body Rows  (prior sub barbell rows)
7 Wall Balls

2 min rest

5 min AMRAP
5 DB Snatch RH (30+/40+)
5 DB Snatch LH

2 min rest

6 min AMRAP
6 Front Squat (45/65)
6 Burpees

Monday, September 17, 2012

W-Up: Roll Upper Back X 1min, Shoulder Capsule Stretch (Lying on your side on the floor) X1 min per side, Super Couch X1 min per side


5 Rounds for max reps of:

-0.5 Bodyweight Bench Press (Half your bodyweight on the bar, 0.75 BW for Men)

-Body Rows/Chins

Keep track of reps on each round of each exercise.


Finished?  Tire flip race

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mwod:  Super couch (back foot on bench, band from rack) x 2mins/side, Lacrosse ball chest and upper back,  Lacrosse ball glutes x 1 min/side

Skill:  Deadlift-focus on starting position

5 Rounds for time

12 Deadlifts-185/115
6 TGU's- 3/arm
3  Burpees

Finished?  100 Pull aparts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

MWOD: Lacrosse ball pecs on post x 2 min/side
Outside hip on bench x 1 min/side
Calf stretch x 1 min/side
Skill: Wall balls (let's get it right)

WOD: 500m row
50 wall balls
400m row
40 wall balls
300m row
30 wall balls
200m row
20 wall balls
100m row
10 wall balls

Bootcamper of the Month is Judy! Congrats! Her constantly positive attitude and eagerness to try anything has helped her make massive improvements and recently pulled a 115lb DL at 105lbs bodyweight.  Not to mention that Judy is 61 years young!

Wall Ball Tutorial below...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Low band tri/lat/shoulder stretch from rack x 2 mins/side, squat opener x 2 mins/side, Mash calves with partner x 1 min/side

Squat- 5 x65%, 5 x75%, 5 x 85%, finish with as many as possible with 55%

Lunge buffet- AMRAP

Lunge down
10 KB swings
5 Burpees
Lunge back
20 Mt Climbers
Farmers carry down & back

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MWOD: Lacrosse ball Pecs on Post x 2min/side
Band Hamstrings x 1min/side
Couch Stretch x 1min/side
Burg warm up with stick

Lift: Power Clean - 3,3,3,3,3 (work up to max triple)

WOD: "Angie Lite"

- 50 pull-ups
- 50 push-ups
- 100 sit-ups
- 100 squats

For time

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back & lats, Band lat stretch x 1 min/side, Band Chest Stretch x 1 min/side, Bottom squat x 2 mins


Barbell Push press
77% 3×5 reps
80% 2×3 reps


10 Renegade Rows
12 Thrusters
10 Alternating DB snatches
200 m Row

Friday, September 7, 2012

Saturday, Sept 8th

W-up: Super couch X2mins per side, stretch calves and ankles X2 min per side, Lacrosse ball upper back


5 reps @ 75%

3 reps @ 85%

1 rep @ 95% -Take more singles if last set goes well.


Then: Tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest)- Deadlift (115 ladies, 185 men)& Bar Jumps

16 rounds total, alternate exercises each round.

.Total combined reps is your score.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mwod:  Lacrosse ball pecs on post x 2mins/side, Band internal rotation stretch x 1 min/arm, Bottom squat x 2mins

Bench press 5 @65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 x 85%
Band pull aparts x 20/set

WOD- 4 rounds for time

Drunk lunge x10/leg
Med ball heave with long jump retrieve x 10
Tire flip x 5

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mwod:  Roll legs and back, Frog x 2 mins, Band hip stretch from rack x 2min/side

Chins & Dips--6 sets of 5 reps each



10 Floor Press
20 DB Rows (10 per)
30 KB Swings
40 Russian Twists

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back x 1 min, Lacrosse ball glutes x 1 min/side, lying shoulder capsule stretch x 1 min/side, Band shoulder traction x 1 min/side

SQUAT- 5@ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @95%

-------Fight gone bad!-------
3 x 5 min rounds- 1 min/ station
*Reps = score*

Wall Balls
Box jumps (20")
Push Press (65, 95)
Row (cal's)