Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring stretch, Roll upper back on floor with ball

Deadlift: 5 @ 65%,75%, 85%, AMRAP @ 90%

Hollow ups 4 x 10

WOD:  EMOTM x ???

6 Goblet Squats
3 DB Clean & Press

* add 1 rep to DB C&P per round

Thurs, Dec 12th

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll chest and shoulders with ball, Stretch wrists on floor, Band hip stretch from rack

Push press x1 + Jerk x 1
Work up to heavy single in 12 mins

WOD: FOR TIME & for Angela!

Row 100M
25 body rows
10 Reverse DB lunges/leg

row 200m
25 body rows
10 OH DB lunges/leg

row 300m
25 body rows
1 Walking DB lunges/leg

row 400m
25 body rows
10 OH lunges/leg

row 500m
25 body rows
10 Reverse DB lunges/leg

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