Monday, December 16, 2019

Mwod:  Row 250m,  Roll upper back and lats on pipe, band lat/tri stretch, Stretch wrists, Couch stretch

Close grip bench 12/10/8/8+

Pendlay rows 4 x 12


5 Front squats (75/135)
15 KB swings
10 DB Push press (25/45)
10 Pull ups
15 Sit ups

Tuesday, Dec 17th

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes and hips with ball, Band hamstring stretch, Outside hip stretch on bench

Deadlift  2 @ 70%/80%/90%, AMRAP @ 95%

Side plank band row 4 x 15/15

WOD:  40 Isn't so bad

40 Alt DB snatches (30/50)
40 Push ups
40 Vups
40 Thrusters (25/45)
40 DB RDLs (30/50)
40 Body rows
40 Flutter kicks
40 BPA
40 Walking lunges (25/45)

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