Monday, January 13, 2020

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest and shoulders with ball on post,  Band lat stretch, Tspine ext over roller x 20

Bench 5 @ 60%, 3 @ 70%, 1@ 75%, AMRAP @ 80%

Band crab walks 3 x 20/20/20/20

WOD:  3 Rounds for time

10 Thrusters (75/115)
10 Burpees
10 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps
10 Step ups (5 per)
10 Dubs
10  RDLs
10 Stir the pot (5 per direction)
10 V ups
10 KB swings

Tues, Jan 14th

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll hamstrings on box with ball, Outside hip stretch on bench, Roll upper back with roller, Couch stretch

Deadlift  3 @ 60%, 2 @ 70%, 1 @ 75%, AMRAP @ 80%

DB Extensions on floor 4 x 15

WOD:  Naughty 20....KB Edition

2 Rounds for time
20 reps each, try to use the same KB for all exercises

20 Alternating arm swings
20 Drunk Lunges (10 per)
20 Sumo High Pulls
20 Goblet squats
20 1 arm C+P (10 per)
20 1 arm Rows (10 per)

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