Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mwod:  row 250m, Roll traps on floor, Tspine ext over roller, Band lat/tri stretch, stretch wrists

Military Press

Crab walk 3 x 10/10



Cleans (85/145)
Wall Balls
Lift:  2 ct pause DL 4 x 3 reps @ 80-85%

Loaded hollow hold 3 x 10

WOD:  For time

60 Dubs
50 Russian twists
40 V ups
30 Box jumps
20 Burpees
10 Pull ups

Monday, September 17, 2018

Mwod:  250m row, Roll chest and shoulders on post with ball, Roll upper back on floor with ball,
Band lat/tri stretch, Couch stretch

2 ct pause bench 4 x 2 @ 90-95%

SL KB RDL 4 x 10/leg


5 Thrusters (75/115)
10 Pull ups
Heavy Prowler --->

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Outside hip stretch on box, hamstring stretch

2 CT Pause Deadlift 4 x 5 @ 75-80%

DB Military press 4 x 12


300m Row
21 KB swings
12 Lunges/leg
9 Pull ups
2 Ct pause Bench 4 x 3 @ 80-85%

Body rows 4 x 12

Band curls 4 x 12


A)  6 min AMRAP
5 Box Jumps
7 DB Thrusters (30/50)
9 HR push ups

B)  6 min AMRAP
Sit ups x 10
Lying leg raises x 10
V ups x 10
Med ball twist x 20

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll Quads and calves, Super frog stretch, Couch stretch

Squat 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

No money + BPA 4 x 20/20

WOD:  EMOTM x 10 Mins

1 Deadlift
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
3 Burpees


Row 500m

Saturday, September 8, 2018

MWOD:  1- Roll Lats and Pecs on floor
                2- Band Lat/Tri
                3-Super frog
                4-Band Overhead Squat

Lift:         Clean Skills

Clean Pull x 2
High Pull x 2
Full Power Clean x 1                             

WOD:  For time

 Push Press x10                           50 KB swing
                   x8 +5lbs                   40 Body Rows
                    x6 +5lbs                    30 v-ups                                                                                                                    x4+5lbs                    20 DB lunges per leg
                     x2+lbs                       10 Alt DB snatches                                                         


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll chest on post, Band lat stretch, Couch stretch, Stretch wrists

2 ct pause Bench 4 x 4 reps

Band crab walk 3 x 10/10
No money 3 x 20


10 Manmakers (25/45)
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees

15 Body Rows
15 DB RDL's (45/65)
15 Push ups

20 Lunges (10per)
20 KB swings
20 DB bent Rows (25/45)

30 Battle Ropes
30 Russian Twists
30 Dubs

400m Row

Squat 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2 @95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Military Press 8 mins AMRAP @ 65%


200m row
5 DB Snatches/arm (30/50)