Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Band lat/tri stretch, stretch wrists

Military Press 4 x AMRAP @ 75%
Pull ups 4 x AMRAP



3 x Bear complex (power clean, push press, front squat, Push jerk)
5 Burpee over bar
15 Wall balls

Thurs, Aug 15th -

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll hips and glutes with ball, Roll quads with roller, Couch stretch,

Lift: Squat 2 ct pause 4 x 5 reps

WOD:  Lunge Buffet 3 RFT

Drunk Lunge left x 20
KB swings x 20
Body rows x 10
Drunk Lunge right x 20
Battle ropes x 20
Row 10 cals

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