Monday, March 9, 2020

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back & tspine ext over roller, Stretch wrists, Roll forearms on barbell sleeve, Band lat/tri stretch

EMOTM x 10

3 Cleans
5 Push press



Renegade Rows x 4
Pull ups x 6
ALT DB snatches x 8
Wall Balls x 10
Weighted Split jumps x 12 (6 per)

Tues, March 10th

Squat - time limit 15 mins

 4 sets of AMRAP with 75%

No money 4 x 20 each set

WOD:  For time

10 Burpees 5 push ups 10 Dubs
9 Burpees 5 Push ups 10 Dubs
8 Burpees 5 Push ups 10 Dubs
1 Burpee 5 Push ups 10 Dubs

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