Monday, July 8, 2019

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll quads and calves with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Roll chest with ball against post

Lift:  Squat 2 ct pause 4 x 5 reps

WOD:  Try to complete in 20 minutes:

5 strict Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
10 Strict pull ups
20 Push ups
30 Squats
20 KB swings
30 Squats
40 KB swings
30 Push ups
20 Squats
10 Strict pull ups
15 Squats
10 Push ups
5 Strict Pull ups

Tuesday, July 9th

Mwod: 1 lap, Roll chest with ball on post, Band lat/tri stretch, Band pec stretch

Lift:  Bench AMRAP @ 70% x 4 sets


5 Squat cleans
10 Push Press (75/115)
15 Lunges/leg

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