Monday, July 22, 2019

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll glutes & hips with ball, Band hamstring stretch, Band hip stretch from rack, Roll upper back with roller

Deadlift:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 75%
Side plank band row 3 x 10/10


20 Burpee broad jumps
5 Tire flips
10 Thursters ( 25/45)

Tuesday, July 23

Mwod: 1 lap, Roll chest/shoulders/traps with ball on post, Roll upper back and lats with roller, Band lat/tri stretch

Lift:   OH Press, Push press, Push Jerk (20 min time limit)

Work up to max military press x 3 reps, continue to add weight and Push press x 3, add weight and then jerk x 3
(2.5lb jumps for women, 5 lbs for men)

Compare to May 14th

WOD:  21-15-9

Pull ups
Sit ups
Push ups

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