Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll upper back with roller + tspine ext, stretch wrists, Outside hip stretch on bench


5 Push Press (75/115) + 10 Manmakers
5 Push press + 15 Burpees
5 Push press + 20 Push ups
5 Push press + 25 Body Rows
5 Push press + 30 Rope slams
5 Push Press + 35 Wall balls
5 Push press + 40 V ups
5 Push Press + 45 KB swings
5 Push Press + 50 Russian Twists

Finished?  100 Band pull aparts

Thursday, July 18

Mwod:  1 lap, Roll quads and calves, Roll glutes, Stretch calves, Bottom squat

"Diamond cutter"

250 squats for time

*5 burpees EMOTM

Finished?  Prowl x 4 trips

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