Thursday, September 22, 2011

WOD Sept 21/11

W-Up: Lying/Wall Squat Stretch X 1min, Jump up groiners X10


superset with Box Jumps X5

52 Pick-up (for time)

Spades = Wall balls

Clubs = Body rows

Hearts = MTN Climbers

Diamonds = V-ups

King = 15 reps
Queen = 12 reps
Jack = 11 reps

Post Squat loads and WOD times in comments


NIGHT JOHN said...

John Smith(JGS)-Squat 200x5, 52 Pick-up 22:01

Jenn said...

Squat 155x5
52 pick up in 18mins 39sec. Lost count on one set of burpees...oops :)

K2 said...

Squat 125 x 5
52 Pick-Up 18:50

Marie said...

squat 95x5
52 pick up 26;45