Friday, April 7, 2017

1) row 250m
2) smash lats with lax ball x1min/side
3) band lat tri stretch x1min/side
4) hip opener on bench

LIFT: work up to max for complex
1 clean + push press
1 clean + jerk
1 squat clean


5 hang snatch high pulls ------- 10 v-ups
5 hang snatch high pulls ------- 10 body rows
5 hang snatch high pulls ------- 10 KB swings
5 hang snatch high pulls ------- 10 burpees

5 hang cleans -------------------- 20 v-ups
5 hang cleans -------------------- 20 body rows
5 hang cleans -------------------- 20 kb swings
5 hang cleans -------------------- 20 burpees

5 push press --------------------- 30 v-ups
5 push press --------------------- 30 body rows
5 push press --------------------- 30 kb swings
5 push press --------------------- 30 burpees

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