Friday, November 30, 2012

ATTENTION EVERYONE:  There will be no class in Arnprior due to the Push/Pull Saturday morning, but there WILL be class at 9am in Renfrew.  See you then!

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Squat opener x 2 min/side, Shoulder ext. rotation w stick x 1 min/side

SQUAT- 4 x 8 reps @ 75%

Full Circuit for time

3 Rounds

Farmers Carry 50/35 lbs KB’s
10 DB RDL's
20 Russian Twists

Row 250m

3 Rounds

5 TGU's/arm
7 Box Jumps
10 KB Swings 55/35

Row 250m

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Max chins, Clean + Press, Dubs, Push-ups, Burpees, and 500m row for time

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Filthy Fifty-One For time

50 Dubs 
50 Goblet Squats
50 KB Swings
50 Body Rows
50 Box Jumps
50 Cal Row
50 Field goals
50 Burpees
50 Dubs 

Finished?  Pick an Mwod piece and do it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

MWOD: Lacrosse Ball/Roll upper back + lats x4mins, Roll triceps on barbell sleeve x1min/arm, Bottom squat x4mins.

Bench Press 5x3 @90%
Band Face-pulls 5x20


7 Mins AMRAP:
- 7 Renegade Row
- 7 Wall Ball's

~ Rest 2 min

5 Mins AMRAP:
- 5 DB Snatch L.H
- 5 DB Snatch R.H

~ Rest 3 min

6 Mins AMRAP:
- 6 Front Squat (65/95)
- 6 Push-ups

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mowd:  Roll legs and roll glutes with lacrosse ball, Outside hip stretch x 1min/side, Band hip stretch from rack x 1min/side

Deadlift- 5 @65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%

Lunge buffet!  AMRAP

Lunge down
15 KB Swings
5 Burpees
Lunge back
10 Alternating DB snatches
10 V-ups


Friday, November 23, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Couch x 2mins/side, Mash calves x 1 min/side, Stretch calves x 1 min/side
Challenge....How fast can you do 50 DUBs?

24 Cal row
25 Wall Balls
24 D.B Rows (12/arm)
25 Sit-Ups (with 5lbs plate)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

MWOD: Roll legs x1min/side, Roll glutes on lacrosse ball x1min/side, Frog stretch x2min, Stretch pecs with band x1min/side.

Lift: Squat 6 sets of 3 reps at 90%

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

5 Cleans to Front Squat
5 Burpee to Plate

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and lats, Lacrosse ball chest & shoulders, Squat opener x 1 min/side
Bench Press
75% 2×5 reps
85% 2×3 reps
95% 3×1 reps
21-15-9 reps of:
Push press 65/115
Body Rows/BB rows
For time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

MWOD: Couch Stretch x2min/side, Band Shoulder Traction x2min, Bottom Squat x4mins

LIFT: Deadlift - Work up to 6x2reps @90%

WOD: Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes

2 Burpees
2 Deadlifts (95/185)

Then perform Max. Chin-ups for remainder of each minute.
Score is Total Chin-ups.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hey everyone, make sure to mark down Dec 1st on your calendar because it's the Uf push/pull.  It's that time again!  New lifters welcome, you don't have to be a professional!

Mwod:  Roll upper back and lats, Super couch w band from rack x 2mins/side, Frog x 2mins,
Stretch wrists and forearms x 1 min/side
A.  Partner Thrusters (sounds fun!)
AMAP in 10 mins

For Time
   42 KBSwings
    21 Push ups
    30 KBSwings
    15 Push ups
    18 KBSwings
   9 Push ups

Friday, November 16, 2012

WOD Sat Nov 17/12

MWOD: Bottom Squat 3 mins, Couch stretch X1 min/side, Foam roll upper back and lats X3 mins

3 Rounds for time

12 Clean+Press Burpees
24 Med. Ball Twists
36 Step-Ups
48 Russian Plate Twists
60 Star Jumps

Thursday, November 15, 2012

MWOD:        Lying wall squat with Overhead extension x3mins
                        Band shoulder/pec traction x1min/side

                        Bench Press: 6 sets of 4 @ 80-85%
                        Body row 3x10

Strongman(or Woman!) Circuit:

                       Med Ball Loading
                       Arm Over Arm Pull
                       Farmers Walk
                       Tire Flip

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mwod:  Roll upper back and legs, Frog x 2 mins, Stretch calves x 1 min/side, Lacrosse ball chest & shoulders

Chins- 4 x 8 reps

6 rounds for time:
Row 250 m
15 Box Jumps

15 KB Swings

Monday, November 12, 2012

WOD Nov 12th/2012

MWOD: Frog Stretch x 2mins, roll feet on lax ball x1min/foot, Couch stretch 2min/side, T-spine extension on Roller x 20 reps

WOD: Squat 85% x 10 mins for max QUALITY REPS

Deadlift 85% x 10 mins for max QUALITY REPS

Thursday, November 8, 2012

WOD for Saturday Nov. 10/12 (Thursday below)

MWOD:  Band shoulder stretch x30sec/side
                   Lax ball chest, shoulders & lats
                   Bottom squat x2min

Lift:           Clean & Press 5x3 (work up to a 3 rep max)

WOD:      Every minute, on the minute for 20min

                   DB push press x5 (25/35)
                   Push-ups x5
                   Squats x10
MWOD:         Roll upper back & legs
                         Band hip stretch x1min/side
                         T-Spine extension on foam roller x20 reps
                         Stretch wrists & forearms on floor x2min

Lift:                 Turkish Get-Ups (work up to a max triple)

WOD:             AMRAP in 15 Mins

                        10 Renegade rows
                        12 Thrusters
                        10 Alternating dumbell snatches
                        200m row

  Max dubs OR practice dubs skills

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

MWOD: Couch Stretch X2 min/leg, Band Hamstrings X2 min/leg, Band shoulder traction X2 min /side

LIFT: Deadlift
WOD: For time

100 Wall balls
100 Push-ups
100 Band Pull-aparts
MWOD: Roll upper back + legs, Lacrosse ball chest, Band lat/shoulder stretch from rack x1min/side, Frog stretch x2min

LIFT: Bench Press

Superset with Body rows x10 each set

WOD: 1 RFT (30 minute limit)

 "Fury Whip"

40 Mountain Climbers
20 Box Jumps
100 Ropes

40 Db Push Press
20 Burpees
150 Ropes

40 Squats
20 T-ups
250 Ropes

40 Star Jumps
20 Plank Rows
300 Ropes

Oh my, I am so sorry.

Monday, November 5, 2012

MWOD: Roll Legs and Back, Couch Stretch x1min/side, Frog Stretch x2min

Lift: Squat 6 sets of 2 reps @85-90%


25 sit-ups
25 push-ups
25 dubs
10 burpees

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, Nov. 3


-100 SIT UPS



Thursday, November 1, 2012

MWOD: Roll upper back + legs, shoulder external rotation with stick x1min, band lat stretch from rack x1min/side.

LIFT: Chin-ups, 30 total reps

Use same band as previous benchmark, or lack thereof


Db Snatch x4/arm(25/45)
Push-ups x8
KB swings x16
Row x32 cals