Mwod: 2 laps of building, Roll quads and upper back x 20 passes each, Roll upper chest with ball x 1min, Band lat stretch x 2 mins/side, Band hip stretch from rack x 2mins/side, Bottom squat x 1min
T-Get up 5, 4, 3, 2, 1/arm
WOD: DB Complex x 6 Rounds -only rest between rounds
-6 Lunges/leg
-6 Alt. DB snatches/arm
-6 Thrusters
-6 DB rows
T-Get up 5, 4, 3, 2, 1/arm
WOD: DB Complex x 6 Rounds -only rest between rounds
-6 Lunges/leg
-6 Alt. DB snatches/arm
-6 Thrusters
-6 DB rows