Monday, November 30, 2009

December 2009!!!

Hey Kids,

(Its me, Paul)

Don’t forget that TOMORROW in RENFREW, we are holding the bench press and Deadlift seminar that is exclusive to bootcampers.

I will be running the Renfrew seminar, and so far I only have confirmation from Julie Whitman and Jenn Hunt.

Who else is with me!!

Sarah will be hosting the ARNPRIOR seminar on THURSDAY @ 7pm. (In Arnprior, obviously)

PLEASE LET US KNOW ASAP if you want to attend.

Don’t be so shy. A lot of you peeps have great deadlifts and I know that we will have some great benchers too.

This way you will be fully educated and equipped to compete at our X-MASS PUSH/PULL. (If you want to. No pressure here)

Also, Julie Whitman has posted a question about a BOOTCAMP X-MASS Party. Please check the post on our UF Facebook page and post your comments, so we can put something together.

OH YEAH, the W.O.D

W-up: 10 Lying Leg Raise, 20 Jumping Jax, 30 Russian Twists, 40 Sit-ups

1 min Jump Rope
30 sec Rest
1 min Push-ups
30 sec rest
1 min Jump Rope
30 sec Rest
1 min Squats
30 sec Rest
1 min Jump Rope
30 sec Rest
1 min Burpees
30 sec Rest
3 Rounds

Friday, November 27, 2009

W.O.D. November 28th, 2009

Hey all,

Paul and I are going to be helping out at a Power Lifting competition in Ottawa, so I won't be around to get your asses into gear on Saturday morning...But don't fret, Crystal is going to lead the pack, and we will also have a drill sergeant keeping an eye out for the chest-to-the-floor burpees, and deep squats! An informant as you will....

Have a great work out everyone...Work hard!

Warm up: 100 Ropes, 10 Box Jumps, 20 Jumping Jax, 30 Russian Twists, 100 Ropes

"To The End"

For Time

25 Burpees
50 Push ups
75 Squats
100 Sit ups
75 Squats
50 Push ups
25 Burpees

ALL Burpees must be chest to the floor, no exceptions you Arnprior slackers!
I heard about you...

This is what you all should look like when you're done....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

W.O.D. November 25th, 2009

Warm up: 1 min Jump rope, 1 min Burpees, 1 min Medicine Ball Twists
Double Impact
20 DB Swings
15 Push ups
20 Squats
15 Sit ups
20 Push ups
15 Squats
20 Sit ups
15 DB Swings
Finisher: Max Reps of Turkish Get ups + Dubs for time

~ Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

W.O.D. November 24th, 2009

Warm up: 100 Jump ropes, 20 Dubs, 20 Push ups, 100 Jump ropes
"Century of Fun"
100 DB Snatches
100 Squats
100 Push Press
100 Jumping Jax
*must finish one exercise before moving to the next*

Monday, November 23, 2009

W.O.D. November 23rd, 2009

Warm up: 100 Jump rope, 15 TKE's/leg, 10 Squats, 10 Push ups, 100 Jump ropes
Lunge Buffet
Lunges down & back
20 Sit ups
Lunges down & back
10 Burpees


Love this commercial.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

W.O.D. Nov 21st 2009

W/U: Inchworm Race- 3 trips, with 5 plank push-ups after each trip.

"1 Arm Bandit"
T-Get-ups X 3/ side
DB Snatch X5/side
Squats (holding the DB) X10 (SQUAT DEEP, YES, DEEP)
1 arm Clean and Press X 5/arm
Spread eagle sit-ups X 23 (the sum of all other reps)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

W.O.D. November 19th, 2009

W/up: Inch worm race x 3 trips with 10 Sit ups after every trip
"Over the Hill..."
3 Rounds
10 Push Press Left Arm
10 Dead lifts
10 Dubs
10 Push Press Right Arm
10 Dead lifts
10 Box Jumps

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Warm up: 10 Push ups, 10 Squats, 10 Dubs x 2 rounds
KB Swings x 10
1 Burpee
KB Swings x 10
2 Burpees
. . .
KB Swings x 10
10 Burpees
Repeat in Reverse

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

W.O.D. Nov 17th 2009

3 rounds of hip thrusts x 10, field goals x 10, spread eagle sit-ups x 10
"Marco Polo"
Military Press
Med Ball Twists
3 Way Shoulder
As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes.

Monday, November 16, 2009

W.O.D. Nov 16th 2009

W/U: 100 Ropes, 20 box jumps, 15 sit-ups
(courtesy of Crossfit Hardcore)
(1 round every minute for 25 minutes)
5 Lying Leg Raise
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
(if you fail out before 20 minutes = 25 burpees)

Friday, November 13, 2009

W.O.D. November 14th, 2009

Warm up: 25 Dubs + 25 Box Jumps+ 25 Star Jumps

"Old School"

Push ups x 20
DB Snatch x 10/arm

x 3 rounds

Burpees x 1 min

Clean & Press x 20
Pull Aparts x 20

x 3 rounds

DB Swings x 1 min

Push Press x 20
DB Rows x 20

x 3 rounds

Med Ball Twists x 1 min

Let's hope that we get more than these two ladies in the morning...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

W.O.D Nov 12th 2009

Warm-up: 10 push-ups, 10 slams, 10 box jumps
DB RDL x 10
Squat x 20
Jax x 30
Sit-ups x 40
Jump Ropes x 50

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

W.O.D. Nov 11th 2009

W/U: 50-10-50 (ropes-burpees-ropes)

"25 What"
Wall Balls
DB Snatch /arm
Field Goals
3 Rounds for time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

W.O.D Nov 10th 2009

Push-up ISO holds for time
Side planks for max time

50/40/30/20/10 Dubs
4/8/12/16/20 Barbell clean and press
10/20/30/40/50 Sit-ups

Monday, November 9, 2009

W.O.D Nov 9th 2009

W/U: Sit-ups 1 min-for max reps, Jump rope 1 min- for max reps

(courtesy of Crossfit Hardcore)
10 Rounds
Squats X 10
Burpees X 5
Push-ups (clapping or spiderman) X10
100 Ropes

Thursday, November 5, 2009

W.O.D. November 5th, 2009

Warm up: Tabata Jumping Jax x 5 rounds of 20 sec on/ 10 sec off
"No Talking..."
Jump rope x 100/ 15 Push ups
AMRAP in 4 mins
Jump rope x 100/ 15 Sit ups
AMRAP in 4 mins
Jump rope x 100/ 15 Stage Jumps
AMRAP in 4 mins
Jump rope x 100/ 15 Burpees
AMRAP in 4 mins
Jump rope x 100/ 15 Squats
AMRAP in 4 mins

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

W.O.D. November 4th, 2009

Pictured below is our Arnprior Bootcamper of the month for October.
Sarah (great name) Patterson has been hard at it, killing all of her W.O.D's, and sometimes coming out twice a day!
Enjoy that Whey Fusion, you worked for it!
Warm up: 25 Jax, 20 Crunch & toss, 20 Push ups, 25 Jax

"Double Bass"

20 Dips
20 V-sits
15 DB Clean & Press
15 DB Rows/arm
10 Three way shoulders (per direction)
10 Split Squats/leg
5 Dead lifts
5 Turkish get ups/arm

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

W.O.D. November 3rd, 2009

Congrats to Renfrew's Bootcamper of the Month for October, Jenn Hunt.
Jenn is constantly challenging herself to perform exercises properly and choosing weights that are outside her comfort zone. GOOD JOB JENN! (note that she is super sweatty after "Killin' it" at BC last night)

Warm up: Turkish get ups x 5/side, 100 Ropes, Turkish get ups x 5/side




50 Star Jumps

25 Push ups

50 Sit ups


25 Box Jumps

50 Jumping Jax

25 Dubs


50 Squats

25 Clean & Press Burpees

50 Jump rope


25 Field goals

50 Thrusters

25 Burpees

Monday, November 2, 2009

W.O.D Nov 2nd 2009

Here's the "To The End" times for the Arnprior campers that came out and threw down on Saturday.

Jenn 13:27
Sarah 13:48
Katie 15:15
Leslie 17:13
Kelly 21:36
Nancy 23:25
Carrie 25:52

Nice Work Ladies! Lets shave those numbers down again at the end of November.

W/U: 100 Ropes, Med Ball Ab Circuit, 100 Ropes

Push, Squat, Push
3 Rounds for time
20 DB/KB Swings
40 Push Press
60 Squats
40 Lunges
20 Push-ups
50-10-50 (ropes-burps-ropes) finisher