Tuesday, November 3, 2009

W.O.D. November 3rd, 2009

Congrats to Renfrew's Bootcamper of the Month for October, Jenn Hunt.
Jenn is constantly challenging herself to perform exercises properly and choosing weights that are outside her comfort zone. GOOD JOB JENN! (note that she is super sweatty after "Killin' it" at BC last night)

Warm up: Turkish get ups x 5/side, 100 Ropes, Turkish get ups x 5/side




50 Star Jumps

25 Push ups

50 Sit ups


25 Box Jumps

50 Jumping Jax

25 Dubs


50 Squats

25 Clean & Press Burpees

50 Jump rope


25 Field goals

50 Thrusters

25 Burpees

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