Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31/10

Warm-Up: 25 Squats, 10 Box Jumps, V-Sits x 10, 10 Push-Ups

"The Lung Buffet"
(With weight)

AMRAP x 25 Minutes

1 Round:
Start - Burpees x 10
Lunges- Down
15 Sit-Ups
Lunges- Back

Friday, May 28, 2010

W.O.D. May 29th, 2010

This one's for you Steph!

Warm-up: Plank x 1 min + 6 Mountain climbers, 3 way shoulders x 10/way, 25 Dubs

25 Burpees
50 Push-ups
75 Squats
100 Sit-ups
75 Squats
50 Push-ups
25 Burpees

Like you mean it!

May 28/10

Warm-Up: Sit-Ups x 25, Russian Twists x 20, Hip Thrusts x 15


Box Jumps x 5
Sand Bag Clean + Press x 5
Mountain Climbers x 20
Bag Drag x Across + Back
Chins x 3

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27/10

Warm-Up: 200 Ropes, 20 Russian Twists, 3 Way Shoulders + 10 Squats

"Bench Mark"

1. Max Push-Ups x 2 Minutes (Chest to Floor)

2. Max Sit-Ups x 2 Minutes ( Elbows Touch Knees)

3. Max Burpees x 2 Minutes ( Chest to Floor)

4. Max Weight Turkish Get-Ups x 5/arm
5.Max Dubs x 2 Minutes

6. 500m Row
*2 Minute Rest Between Each Event*

ATTENTION ALL BOOT CAMPERS: In this heat make sure to be drinking lots of water throughout the day, especially on your workout days. Straight water, not Gatorade! And don't leave out any meals, make sure to eat regularly. This will help you power through the workouts right until the bitter end!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26/10

Warm-Up: 30 Jax, 20 Cossack, 10 Burps
Wall Balls x 20 / Thruster x 20- Renfrew
Sit-Ups x 20
Tuck Jumps x 15
KB/DB Swings x 25
Turkish Get-Ups x 15/arm

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

W.O.D. May 25th, 2010

Here is a great W.O.D. to get you out of long weekend mentality!
Warm up: Jump rope x 1 min, Burpees x 1 min, Cossack Squats x 10 per leg
"Diamond Cutter"
250 Squats
*Each minute = 20 Jax until squats are complete
Finisher: Lying leg raises x 20 & Side Plank x 1 min per side
x 3 Rounds

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 22, 2010

Warm- Up x2
100 Jump Ropes
3 way shoulders
"Supa Fun!"
10 Box Jumps
20 Renegade Push-Ups
30 V-Sits
250m row
30 V-Sits
20 Squats (with weights!)
10 Box Jumps
250m row
10 Burpees
20 D.B. Snatch (10/arm)
30 Leg Raises
250m row
30 Leg Raises
20 Lunges (10/leg and with weights!)
10 Burpees
250m row
Have a great long weekend :) !

May 21/10

Warm-Up: Hip Thrusters x 10, Side Plank 30 Sec, Front Plank 30 Sec, Box Jumps 3 x 3, Hurdle Hops x 3 Rounds
Prowler Challenge
Max Distance x 30 Minutes
50lbs On Sled
Morning Group:
Karen: 450'
Leslie: 480'
Jenn & April: 420'
Margaret: 390'

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20/10

Warm-Up: 100 Ropes, 10 Burpees, 10 Jump Squats x 2 Rounds
Century of Fun
100 DB Snatches
100 Squats
100 Push Press
100 Dubs

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19/10

Warm-Up: 20 Cossack, 2o Leg Raises, 20 Sit-Ups

"Okee Dokie"
(CrossFit Hardcore)

5 Rounds For Time
1 Lap Of The Building(arnprior)/200m Row (renfrew)
21 KB Swings
12 OverHeadSquat

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18th, 2010

-Wheel Barrow Race (switch partners halfway through) - Losers do 10 Burpees

-Who can do a handstand push-up? Any Takers?

  • Deadlifts x 30 (you will use a respectable weight and work on technique which means no more than 10 reps per set)
  • Push-ups x 30 (either weighted, spiderman push-ups, clap push-ups or band push-ups)
  • Weighted Sit-ups x 30 (weight behind head)
  • Lunges x 30/leg
  • Burpees x 30
  • Band Pull-apart x 30
  • Star Jumps x 30
  • DB Clean and Press x 30

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17/10

Warm-Ups: Inchworm Race, 100 Ropes, 10 Box Jumps

"1 Arm Bandit"

T-Get-ups X 3/ side

DB Snatch X5/side

Squats (holding the DB) X10 (SQUAT DEEP, YES, DEEP)

1 arm Clean and Press X 5/arm

Spread eagle sit-ups X 23 (the sum of all other reps)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

50 Thrusters
50 Push-ups
50 Lunges (25/leg)
50 Box Jumps
50 Squats (weighted)
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
*** Goodluck to April who is doing her ATS Testing this weekend!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13/ 2010

Warm-Up: Ropes x 50 Backward, 100 Regular, 50 Right Foot, 50 Left Foot

5 Rounds

10 Push Press ( HEAVY!)

10 Set-Ups (per leg)

10 1 Arm Snatch (per arm)

10 Field Goals

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12 / 2010

Warm-Up: 3 Way Lunges x 5 Each Leg, 5 Burpees

Last Minute

1 Min DB/KB Swings

1 Min Squats

1 Min DB Row (30Sec/Arm)

1 Min Swiss Ball Leg Curls
Warm up: 1 min KB Swings, 1 min Squats, 1 min Pogo Jumps/Jump Squats/Wide outs
"High Five"
5-10-15-20-25 of Burpees
10-15-10-15-10 of DB/BB Hang Cleans
5-5-5-5-5 of Dead lifts

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11/10

Warm-up: Walking Reverse Lunges, Inch Worm

AMRAP x 25 Minutes

Turkish Get-ups x 5 / arm

Box Jumps x 20

Plate Twists x 20

Dubs x 50

3 Way Shoulders x 10 Each

Check out the Nike video found on Elitefts.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Warm up: 10 Squats, 10 Dubs, 10 Roll over Planks x 3 sets
4 Rounds
15 Thrusters
20 Push ups
15 DB Snatches/arm
20 Lunges/leg
15 Lying Leg Raise with Hip Thrust
Round #1: 5 Burpees
Round #2: 8 Burpees
Round #3: 12 Burpees
Round #4: 15 Burpees

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6 / 2010

Warm-Up: Inchworm + Push-Up

Rower x 200m

Push Press x 15

Dubs x 20

5 Rounds For Time
Finisher: Side Plank x 30 Sec Each, 20 V-Ups, 20 Hip-Thrusters

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5/10

Warm-Up: Leg Raises x 12, 3 Way Shoulders > x 2 Rounds

"52 Pick-up El-Diablo 2"

Spades = Renegade Row

Clubs = Squats

Hearts = Burpees

Diamonds = Sit Ups

Kings = 16 reps
Queens = 14 reps
Jacks = 12 reps
Ace = 50 Ropes

JOKER=Wild Card ! 5 T-Ups/Arm

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th, 2010

"Tabata This, Tabata That"
-push-ups x 12
-sit-ups x 15
-squats x 20
1) Thrusters
2) Burpees
3) Dips
4) Squats
5) Push-ups

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3/10

Warm-Up: Rotating Planks x 12, Band Pull-Aparts x 12, Leg Raises x 20
"Sweat It Out"
100 Ropes
10 Turkish Get-Ups (5/arm)
60 Jax
11 Dips
50 Ropes
12 D.B Rows
40 Jax
13 Squats
30 Ropes
14 Sit Ups
20 Jax
15 K.B. Swings
10 Jax
16 Push-Ups
Finish: AB Circuit x 10 Each Way