Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18th, 2010

-Wheel Barrow Race (switch partners halfway through) - Losers do 10 Burpees

-Who can do a handstand push-up? Any Takers?

  • Deadlifts x 30 (you will use a respectable weight and work on technique which means no more than 10 reps per set)
  • Push-ups x 30 (either weighted, spiderman push-ups, clap push-ups or band push-ups)
  • Weighted Sit-ups x 30 (weight behind head)
  • Lunges x 30/leg
  • Burpees x 30
  • Band Pull-apart x 30
  • Star Jumps x 30
  • DB Clean and Press x 30

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