Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MWOD: 1. Skip 100, Squat 20, Jax 10
             2. Smash pecs on post x 1 min/side
             3. Band pec stretch x 1min/side
             4. Band Lat/Tri stretch x 1min/side
             5. Couch stretch x 1 min/side

LIFT: A1. Bench
              work up to 3 RM then 2x4 @ 80%

         A2. Face pulls   4x25

         B. Body Row    4x5 reps
             Move feet forward and elevate each set


   30 Russian twists
   30 sec side plank right
   30 sec side plank left
   30 v-ups
   30 Hollow hold

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