Friday, September 30, 2016


band hip stretch from rack x1min/side
smash hips + glutes on lax ball x1min/side
roll lats on pipe x1min/side 
Row 300m

EMOTM 10min
Deadlift x4@70%
Alternating DB snatch x4


For Time
10 push ups
10 body rows
max thrusters

repeat until you have done 100 thrusters

Thursday, September 29, 2016

row x2min
smash pecs on post x1min/side
bully stretch x1min/side
couch stretch x1min/side
pick whatever is sore and roll it x1min/side or 2 min total


a1) Military Press
   -work up to 3rm

a2) band pullaparts 4x20

a3) no money 4x20

Drunk Lunge Buffet

12 min AMRAP

Drunk lunge (r) x10
s.l hollow hold x6/6
push ups x6
drunk lunge (l) x10
v-ups x10
side plank on/off x6/6

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes each, Roll calves x 20 passes each, Calf stretch x 2 mins/side, Banded frog stretch x 2mins

Squat:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ 85%
*use last weeks 1RM

Banded glute bridge 3 x 15

WOD:  Fight Gone Kettlebell- For reps

3 rounds, 1 min at each station, 2 mins rest between rounds otherwise clock does not stop

KB Sumo deadlift high pull
Box Jumps
KB Push Press
KB Goblet squat
Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Smash pecs, Band pec stretch, Frog stretch, Couch stretch

Lift  Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85% *use last weeks 3RM

Face pulls 3 x 25

WOD:  EMOTM x 12

Odd:  3 Hang cleans
Even:  5 Burpees

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back and lats with roller x 20 passes each spot, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Bottom squat x 1min

Clean & Jerk :  Work up to heavy double (ex: 4 x 2 reps)

25 Forever!

25 DB RDL's
25 Dubs
25 Wall Ball Sit ups
25 DB Clean & Press
25 Body rows
25 Box Jumps
25 DB Front Squats
25 KB Swings
25 DB Rows
25 Cal Row

Friday, September 23, 2016


There will be no coach for bootcamp at Renfrew or Arnprior tomorrow morning (Saturday, September 23rd)

However, some the Arnprior bootampers will be meeting here at 9am for an uncoached workout

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

MWOD: skip x100, roll glutes on lax ball x1min/side, outside hip opener on box x1min/side
band hip stretch x1min/side, t-spine ext on roller x2min


a1) deadlift 4x3@90%
a2) side planks 4x25 seconds/side

12 min AMRAP

20 box jump
20 push press
20 body row

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back on floor with ball x 1min, Roll pecs on post x 1min, Band lat stretch x 1min/side, Band frog stretch x 2mins

Bench:  Work up to 3 RM, ex: 4 x 3 reps
Pull apart series each set

WOD:  We didn't like going up, so lets try going down!

10-9-8-7.....1 reps of:

Renegade Rows
Tire Flips

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

100 skips
roll quads x20 passes/side
pre squat hip opener x1min/side
stretch calves and ankles x1 min/side
bottom for max time

a1) squat

a2) band crab walk


For Time
reps of

sit ups

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mwod: Row 300m, stretch wrists x 2mins, band lat/tri stretchx 2mins/side, Roll upper back and lats x 20 passes each

Lift:  Chins 4 x 6 reps

Wod:  Bear on a ladder

10 Rounds

1-2-3-4....10 reps of:

Squat Clean
Push Press

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrists x 2 mins, Band lat/tri stretch x 2 mins/side, Banded frog stretch x 2mins

A)  Split squats 3 x 10/leg
A2)  Band x walks 3 x 10/leg
A3)  Weighted plank 3 x max time

B)  EMOTM x 12 mins

1 Deadlift + 2 Hang power cleans + 3 Front squats
(70-75% of Clean 1RM)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

row 250M
roll quads x20 passes/each
smash pecs and shoulders on post with lax ball x2min/side
band pec stretch x1min/side
band internal rotation stretch x1min/side

a1) bench 4x5@80-85%
a2) facepulls 4x20


25 t2b
5 tire flips
50 push ups
5 tire flips
50 body rows
5 tire flips
25 box jumps

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads and calves x 20 passes each, Band hip stretch from rack x 2min/side, Roll pecs on post x 1 min, Band hamstring x 1min/side

Deadlift 4 x 5 @ 85%
Band x-walk 4 x 10/direction


50 Hollow holds

10 Lunges/leg

40 Sit ups
10 Lunges/leg

30 DB Snatches (15 per)
10 Lunges/leg

20 DB RDL's
10 Lunges/leg

10 Burpees
10 Lunges/leg

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Row 300M
pec smash on post x1min/side
band pec stretch x1min/side
roll lats on pipe x20 passes/side
samson stretch x1min/side

a1) military 3x2@90-95%

a2) body rows


a) 8 min amrap
db floor press x8
db bent row x8

b) 8 min amrap
bpa x10
no money x10
db side raises x10

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mwod:  Roll quads x 20 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Banded frog stretch x 2mins

Squat:  3 x 3 @ 90%, 1 AMRAP set
DB Floor ext/rotation 3 x 10/arm

B) Max strict pull ups in 8 mins

WOD:  15-12-9-6-3 reps

Push ups

Mwod:  Lax ball pecs, Band int-rot stretch, Ban shoulder traction, couch stretch

Lift:  Bench 3 x 3 @ 90 %, 1 x AMRAP set

A2)  Pull aparts 4 x10
A3)  No money 4 x 10

WOD;  15 min AMRAP

8 Dl
8 BB row
8 Hang cleans
8 Push press

10 burpees if you drop the bar during the set

Friday, September 2, 2016

Smash hip with kb x1min/side
roll it bands with pipe x1min/side
band lat stretch x1min/side

snatch grip deadlifts

3 rounds, each for time
12 barbell rows
8 cleans
4 front squats
50 db swings
40 waiters lunges (20/hand)
30 db snatches (15/arm)
rest 2 min start again