Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mwod:  Row 300m, Roll lats & upper back x 20 passes each, Band lat tri stretch x 2mins/side, Stretch wrists x 2mins, Band hip stretch from rack x 1min/side

Push Press:  Work  up to heavy set of 3 (5 x 3)

Chins x 4/set

Wod: 2 Rounds for time---Reverse order on second round

1 Clean & press
2 Squat Cleans
3 Power Cleans
4 Thrusters
5 Box Jumps
6 DB Snatches/arm
7  Dubs
8  KB Swings
9  Burpees
10  Barbell Rows
11  Barbell RDL's
12 Overhead walking Lunges/leg

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