Friday, March 30, 2012

WOD Mar 31/12

Mwod: Roll legs (I.T. bands especially), Frog stretch x 2mins, Calf stretch x 2 mins/side, Lacrosse ball chest and shoulders

SQUAT- Work up to: 70% x3, 80% x3, 90% x3

2 Rounds for Max Reps:

A. AMAP Unbroken Air Squats in 1 set
Rest no more than 2:00

B. AMAP Unbroken V-ups in 1 set
Rest no more than 2 mins

C. AMAP Unbroken Dubs in 1 set
Rest no more than 2 mins

Notes: Keep track of your reps, and absolutely no pause whatsoever or the set is over.


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