Friday, May 31, 2013

Saturday June 1,2013

MWOD: Roll legs, glutes and upper back with roller & lax ball
              Band hamstring stretch x 2 minutes/leg
              Frog stretch x 2minutes 
              Band lat/tri stretch x 1 min/side

LIFT : Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3@ 85%  1 or more @ 95%


ABDOMINUS 2.0 - 1 Round For Time
AB Wheel x 15
Prowler Sprint x down+back (high)
V-Ups x 20
Burpee Broad Jumps x 15
Leg Raises x 30
Prowler x down + back(low)
Russian Twist x 40
Dubs x 30
Sit-ups x 50
Prowler x down+ back (high)
Plank x 20 shoulder touches
Rower x 250

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday May 30,2013

MWOD: Bottom Squat x 3 minutes
               Stretch wrists & forearms x 2 min./side
               Couch Stretch x 1min/side
               Band lat & triceps combo x 1min/side

MAY 2013 Bench Mark 

Squat x 80% for max reps
Chins x1 Set max reps
Clean + Press x 2 minute max reps
Push-Ups x 1 set max reps
Burpees x 2 minute max reps
Dubs x 2 minutes max reps
500m Row

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mwod:  Roll IT bands x 1 min/side, Roll calves w lacrosse ball & tack and stretch x 1 min/calf, Roll triceps with barbell, Band lat/tri stretch x 1 min/side

Skill:  Dub practice x 5 mins


21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
  • Front Squat 55/95
  • Box Jumps - 24″/20″

21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
  • KB swings
  • Plank rows 20/40

21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
  • Row for cals
  • Toes to bar


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 28,2013

MWOD: Roll Quads and Glutes with lax ball x 1min/side
               Couch Stretch x 1min/side
               Band Shoulder Traction x min/side
               Bottom Squat x 4 minutes

Skill: Snatch Balance - 6 Minutes

Lift: Bench 5@65% 5@75% 5@85%

1 minute of burpees
1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of v-ups
1 minute of push-ups
1 minute of DB side raises

**** 3 Turkish Get-Ups per arm after every minute ****

Monday, May 27, 2013

MWOD: Roll Quads and glutes with Lacrosse Ball x 1min/side
               Couch stretch x1min/side
               Band Hamstring from rack x1min/side
               Outside Hip Opener on box x1min/side

LIFT: SQUAT- 5@ 65%, 5@ 75%, 5@ 85%
                         Add 5 pounds to working max if last weeks cycle was a success

WOD: AMRAP Team Relays 12min
            5 flips of the tire
            1 lap
            20 weighted lunges

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs & upper back, Roll glutes w lacrosse ball x 1min/side, Outside hip stretch x 2mins/side, Couch x 1 min/side

Deadlift- 3 @70%, 3@ 80%, 3 or more @90%


AMRAP in 8 mins, add 1 rep each round
DB Renegade Row 40/25lbs DB’s
DB Snatch 45/25 

*snatches add 1 per arm*

AMRAP in 10 mins, add 2 reps each round
OH Lunge 45/25 plate
Box Jump

*Lunges and 2 per leg*

Thursday, May 23, 2013

MWOD: Roll Upper back + lats with Lacrosse Ball on Floor, Pre-Squat Hip Opener x1min/side, Band lat Stretch w/ retraction x10/side, New MWOD: OH Extension on Roller + Barbell
Skill: Cleans x 5mins
Lift: 5 Sets of: 1 Power Clean, 1 Squat Clean, 1 Jerk
- 3 Push Press (65/95)
- 6 Barbell Row (65/95)
- 18 Jax

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

MWOD: roll upper Back x1min
               Lat/tri stretch x1min/side
               Rotator Smash and floss
               Couch stretch x1min/side
               New MWOD Drill Anchored O.H EXT on roller

LIFT: BENCH 5@ 75%, 3@ 85%, 1 or more reps at 95%

WOD:   25 Thrusters (65/95)
            5 chin ups
            50 Dubs
           20 Thrusters
            5 chin ups
            40 Dubs
           15 Thrusters
           5 chin ups
           30 Dubs
          10 Thrusters
           5 chin ups
           20 Dubs
          5 Thrusters
          5  chin ups
          10 Dubs

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MWOD: Roll Quads x2min/side
               Lax Ball Glutes x1min/side
               Lax Ball Shoulder Rotators x1min/side
               New MWOD Skill of the week Anchored O.H. EXT On Roll x1min

LIFT: SQUAT- 5@ 75%, 3@ 85% Max reps@ 95%

WOD: 10-8-6-4-2-1
            Squat Cleans
            Burpees over Bar

Friday, May 17, 2013

MWOD: SL Flexion / EXT on box x 1 min/side,  
             Roll upper back + legs x 4mins, 
             Band hip Flexor Stretch from rack x 2mins, 
             Band shoulder traction x 1min/side. 
             Lax ball chest x 1 min/side, 
Lift:   Bench- 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80% 2 x 3 @ 90%

- Row 20 cals 
- Db row x10/arm(30/50) 
- row 20 cals
- Barbell Row x15   
- Band Pull-Aparts 
- Row 20 Cals 
- 3 Way Shoulders x10/dir/(5/10)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

MWOD: SL Flexion / EXT on box x 1 min/side
               Lax Ball Shoulder Rotators on Floor x 1min/side
               Bottom Squat x 1min
               Stretch Calves/ Ankles x 1 min/side
WOD: Strong-Man Stations
             Circus DB Press
             Arm over Arm Drag
             Tire Flip
             Axel Deadlift

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

MWOD: Roll Glutes + Quads with Lacrosse Ball x2min
               Band Hamsting from Rack x 1min/side
               Couch Stretch x1min/side
               Outside hip opener on boxs x1min/side
               New MWOD Skill

LIFT: SQUAT 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 2x3 @ 90%

WOD:As many rounds in 15-20 minutes:
               3 T get ups/arm (20/35)
               6 Wall Balls
               9 Box Jumps

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MWOD: Roll Upper Back x1min
               Suprapatella (Around Knee Cap) Smash & Floss x1min/side
               Roll Triceps on barbell on floor x1min/side
               Rotator Smash & Floss x1min/side
               New MWOD Skill Single Leg Flexion on Box

SKILL: Power Snatch 5 mins

LIFT: Standing Strict Military Press 4x6
             Bent Over rows 4x10

WOD:  5 Rounds
            20 DUBS
            7 Power Snatch
            7 Chins

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mwod:  Roll legs, focus on hip flexor and IT bands x 2mins/side, Roll glutes w lacrosse ball x 1min/side, Outside hip stretch x 1min/side, Couch x 1 min/side, Lacrosse ball upper back x 1 min

New Mwod piece:  Single leg flexion on box

Deadlift- 5 @65%, 5 @75%, 5 OR MORE @85%


Tabata something else! 
20 sec on/10 sec off x 8 rounds each for max reps/cals

DB Push press
Switch lunges
Alternating DB snatch

Friday, May 10, 2013

MWOD: Roll Upper Back x1min
               Lacrosse ball pecs + shoulders x1min side
               Bottom Squat x 1min
               The New MWOD skill of the week Rotator smash + Floss

LIFT: BENCH 5@ 65%, 5@ 75%, Max reps at 85%

                         250 Squats
                * 5 Burpees (Every minute)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

WOD May 8th 2013

1) Row 2mins moderate pace
2) Couch Stretch X1min/side
3) Outside Hip X1min/side
4) Stretch wrists and forearms on floor X1min/side
New MWOD skill of the week: Rotators smash and floss

Skill:  Front Squat 5mins

Lift: Front Squat 4X8  (Work up to skill max X8)

WOD: 4 Rnds for time

1 lap of building (300m row if raining)
5 thrusters
10 Burpee Broad jumps

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back, lats, and legs x 5 mins total---> hit everywhere, Wall squat x 2 mins, Band hamstring x 1min/side, Smash triceps and forearms on barbell (on floor) x 1 min/side

DB Floor press 4 x 6 reps    ss  Chins x 6


1 round for time:

200 ft Farmer’s Walk (50/70)
30 Cal Row
40 Push ups
50 Cleans
60 Wallballs
200ft Farmer’s Walk

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

MWOD:Roll Upper Back x1min
              Suprapatella Smash and Floss x1min/side
              Bottom Squat x1min
              Couch Stretch x1min/side
              Rotator smash + Floss

LIFT: Week One of 531 Squat- 5@ 65%, 5 @ 75%, Max reps @ 85%

WOD: Lunge buffet!  20min AMRAP
          Lunge down (25/45)
         10 KB Swings (36/53)
             5 Burpees
             Lunge back
         10 Alternating DB snatches (25/50)
              10 V-ups

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mwod: Roll upper back, Stretch wrists/forearms x 1min/side, Frog Stretch x 2mins, Stretch calves x 1min/side, Band tri/lat stretch x 1min/side
New MWOD: Shoulder Rotator, Smash and Floss

Skill: Cleans x5 mins

Lift:  4 sets of 1 Clean + 3 Jerks

WOD: 20 min time limit

“The Bear” -thanks to Crossfit Calgary for this one.

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Jerk

-Pick a weight that you can do all 5 exercies without setting the bar down.
-Add weight and repeat the same sequence at a higher weight each set, and continue to do so until you miss a lift.
-Once a rep is missed, repeat the previous weight for the completion of the sets

Thursday, May 2, 2013

MWOD: Row 2mins easy
               Outside hip opener on Box x1min/side
               Barbell Triceps Smash x1min/side
               Band Distracted Spinal Twist x1min/side ( review from yesterday)

SKILL: Snatch Skills: High pulls x3
                                    Power Snatch x3 >  Hold Position for all 3 of each
                                    Full Snatch x3

WOD:       6 Rounds For Time
                  3 chins
                  6 Push ups
                  9 Med Ball Squat Cleans
                 12 Dubs

                       BE THERE AT 8:30AM!  DRILL SOME PR'S!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MWOD: Roll Upper back x2min
               Tri Smash with Barbell on floor x1min/side
               Lacrosse Ball Lower back Smash x1min
               Band Hamstring from rack x1min/side

SKILL: Band Distraction Spinal Twist x1min/side

LIFT: Deadlift 5x3 @70%

WOD:         AMRAP in 8:00, add 1 rep each round
                      DB Renegade Row 40/25lbs DB’s
                                  DB Snatch 45/25

                            AMRAP in 8:00, add 2 reps each round
                                     OH Lunge 45/25 plate
                                            Box Jump