Friday, May 31, 2013

Saturday June 1,2013

MWOD: Roll legs, glutes and upper back with roller & lax ball
              Band hamstring stretch x 2 minutes/leg
              Frog stretch x 2minutes 
              Band lat/tri stretch x 1 min/side

LIFT : Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3@ 85%  1 or more @ 95%


ABDOMINUS 2.0 - 1 Round For Time
AB Wheel x 15
Prowler Sprint x down+back (high)
V-Ups x 20
Burpee Broad Jumps x 15
Leg Raises x 30
Prowler x down + back(low)
Russian Twist x 40
Dubs x 30
Sit-ups x 50
Prowler x down+ back (high)
Plank x 20 shoulder touches
Rower x 250

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