Monday, March 31, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll legs x 20 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Band lat stretch from rack x 1min/side, Stretch calves x 2mins/side

Skills:  Push press vs Push jerk x 6 mins

FOR TIME:  (115/75)

10 Strict press
15 Bent over Rows
20 Push Press
25 Front Squats
30 Push Jerks
35 RDL's

Friday, March 28, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Couch stretch x 2mins/side, Roll upper back on floor w lacrosse ball x 30 sec,  Tspine ext over roller x 10, Band hamstring x 2mins/side

Deadlifts 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 or more @ 95%

AMRAP in 20 mins- Add 5 reps to each exercise every round

5 DB RDL's
5 Hand release push ups
5 Lunges/leg
5 Back Extensions

Thursday, March 27, 2014

MWOD: Bottom Squat x 2 min
             Stretch wrists and forearms x 1 min/side
             Band tri/lat stretch x 1 minute/side
             Outside hip stretch x 1 minute/side
Bench Mark - March 2014
Squat x 80% for max reps
Chins x1 Set max reps
Clean + Press x 2 minute max reps
Push-Ups x 1 set max reps
Burpees x 2 minute max reps
Dubs x 2 minutes max reps
500m Row

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats x 20 passes each, Band Lat stretch x 1min/side, Super frog w plate x 2mins/side, Stretch wrists on floor x 1min

Bench:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 or more @ 95%

WOD:  Max rounds in 15 mins

10 KB swings
5 Chins/10 Body rows

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

MWOD: Stretch wrists and forearms x 1 min/side
             Band Lat/tri stretch from rack x 1minut/side
             Smash Calves x 1 minute.side
             Stretch Calves x 1 minute/side
              Bottom Squat x 3 min

Skills: cleans x 10min

Lift: Cleans 3,3,1,1,1,1.....12 min

          1 clean
          1 Front squat
          1 Thurster
Add 2.5lbs each round

NO ARNPRIOR BOOTCAMP on Monday March 3rst or Tuesday April 1rst.
NO RENFREW LUNCH TIME BOOTCAMP on Tuesday April 1rst or Thursday April 3rd.
Thanks for understanding

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Pre-squat hip opener x 2mins/side, Roll calves x 1min/side w barbell, Roll chest w ball x 20 passes each side, Stretch calves x 1min/side

Squat:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85% 1 or more @ 95%

"Hit the Deck"

Spades: squats
Hearts:  burpees
Diamonds:  push ups
Clubs:  sit ups

Face cards: 10 reps
Ace: 11 reps 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Mwod: Stretch wrists and forearms x 1min / side
             Band tri/ lat stretch x 2 min/ arm
              Outside hip stretch x 1min / side
               Frog stretch x 2 min
              Roll forearms on bar sleeve x 2 min

Lift: Military Press 5 x 5 reps 

"The One with Lot's of Lunges"

20 Lunges
20 Push-Ups
20 Reverse Lunges

5 Burpees

25 Lunges
40 KB (or DB) Swings
25 Reverse Lunges

5 Burpees

30 Lunges
60 Sit-Ups
30 Reverse Lunges

Thursday, March 20, 2014

MWOD: Smash pecs on post w/lax ball x 2 minute/side
             Band lat/tri stretch x1minute/side
             Couch Stretch x 1 minute/side
             Band Distracted frog x 2 minutes

Lift: Bench Press 3 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 3+ @90%


"Split Jackie"

2 Rounds for Time

500m  Row
25 Thursters(45/65)
15 Chins(body row)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins,  Band hamstring from rack x 2 mins/side, Roll glutes x 20 passes each, Outside hip stretch on box x 1min/side, Roll upper back w ball on floor x 1 min

Deadlift:  3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 or more @ 90%

WOD:  15 min AMRAP

2 Cleans (75/135)
2 Jerks (75/135)
2 Sit ups

4 Cleans
4 Jerks
4 Sit ups

...increase reps by multiples of 2 until time expires

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

MWOD: Row 2 mins
             Rev Balerina x1min/side
             Smash Calves on Barbell x1min/side
             Stretch Calves x1min/side
             Band Internal Rotation Shoulder Stretch x1min/side

SKILL: Dubs Practice/Max Reps in 5 mins

LIFT: Squat  3@70%, 3@80%, 3 or more @ 90%

WOD: 1RFT  25mins
          12 T-Get Ups-Right Arm
          30 KB Swings
          12 OH Squat-Left Arm
          30 KB Swings
          12 OH Squats-Right Arm
          30 KB Swings
          12 T-Get Ups-Left Arm

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats x 10 passes each, Band lat stretch from rack (up high) x 1min/side, Roll chest and shoulders x 1 min, Band hip stretch from rack x 1min/side

A)  5 rounds for max reps- 15 min time limit

Bench Press
Body rows/ Chins (use same band as last bench mark)

B)  AMRAP in 8 mins

           10 cal row
           10 burpees


Friday, March 14, 2014

MWOD: Band distracted hip stretch x 1 minute/side
             Band Distracted hamstring stretch x 1min/side
             Lax Ball Hamstring smash sitting on box x 1 minute/side
             Couch Stretch x 1 minute/side

"I *heart* Saturday Mornings!"

8 Rounds

200m Row
15 Jump Squats
20 Thursters
30 Sit-Ups

**After every ODD number of rounds= 100 Ropes**
** After every EVEN number of rounds= 10 Mountain Climbers**
T-Get-Ups /arm

Thursday, March 13, 2014

MWOD: Smash quads on roller x 10 passes/leg
             Lax ball glutes x 1 minute/side
             Stretch Calves  and Ankles x 2 minute/side
              Bottom Squats x 3 minutes

Squat : 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5+ @ 85%

WOD: 4 RFT (45/65)

7 Cleans
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrists on floor x 1min, Band lat/tri stretch x 1min/side (attach band at waist height), Bottom squat x 1 min, Frog stretch x 2mins

Skill:  Cleans x 3 x 12 mins

WOD:  4 rounds for time

10 Box jumps
OH Lunges x 20 (35/45)
10 Dubs
Duck walk down & back (53/75)
10 Reverse Burpees
Farmers walk down & back (53/75)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

MWOD: Smash traps and upper back on lax ball x 2 minute/side
            Smash pecs on post x 1 minute/side
             Smash triceps on barbell sleeve x 1 minute.side
             Couch Stretch x 2 minute/side

Bench Press: 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75% 5+ @ 85%
10 Burpees for every missed lift. DONT BE GREEDY!


8 Rounds of each for total reps

Thursters (45/65)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Band OH shoulder stretch x 1 min/side, Bottom squat x 1min, Roll quads x 10 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins/side

Deadlift: 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 or more @ 85% (using 90% of new 1RM from last week)

WOD:  EMOTM x 3 rounds

Minute 1:  5 Hang cleans (75/135)
Minute 2:  10 Hand release push ups
Minute 3:  15 Box Jumps
Minute 4:  Row 200m
Rest 1 min

*make sure to get your challenge done in a minute....if by chance you don't, you will be adding 5 burpees to your post wod finisher :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back with 2 lacrosse balls on floor & overhead extension x 10,  Band lat stretch x 1min/side, Frog stretch x 20, Roll glutes x 1min/side

Bench:  Work up to 5 x1  (test 1RM)



A) AMRAP in 5 mins
Row 100 m
9 KB Swings 50/35

Rest 1 min

B) AMRAP in 5 mins
6 Body rows
12 Dubs

Rest 1 min

C) AMRAP in 5 mins
10 Side raises
12 Thrusters

Thursday, March 6, 2014

MWOD: Row 2 mins or skip 200 revolutions
             Barbell smash calves on floor x2 mins/leg
             Stretch calves x1/side
             Bottom Squat x3 mins

LIFT: Squat 5x1 rep test 1rm

WOD: "L12" 10 rounds for time (20 min time limit)       
          10 Hand release push ups
          10 sit ups
          10 body weight squat


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mwod:  Smash chest & traps on post x 1min per, Roll lats

x 30 sec per, Tspine ext over peanut with barbell x 10, 

Bottom squat 1min

Lift:  Push Press 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 1

WOD:  For time

50 Wall balls (full squat every rep!)

25 Burpees

40 Wall balls

20 Burpees

30 Wall balls

15 Burpees

20 Wall balls

10 Burpees

10 Wall balls

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4

MWOD: Band distracted hip stretch x 1 minute/side
             Band Distracted hamstring stretch x 1min/side
             Lax Ball Hamstring smash sitting on box x 1 minute/side
             Couch Stretch x 1 minute/side

Lift: Deadlift 6 x 1 Test 1RM

WOD: 6 Rounds For Time
P-ups to bar x 6
Barbell Row x 6
Strict Press x 6
RDL's x 6

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mwod:  Row x 2mins, Roll lats & upper back x 10 passes each, Roll triceps on barbell x 10 passes each, Couch stretch x 2mins, Lat/tri/shoulder stretch from rack (waist height) x 1min/side

Bench 5 x3 @ 90%

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 Body rows
12 KB Swings
12 Box Jumps