Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mwod:  Row x 2mins, Roll chest & traps on rack x 2mins, Tspine ext over peanut x 15, Band lat/tri stretch x 1min/side, Stretch wrists/forearms on floor x 2 mins, Super frog w plate x 2mins/side


Lift:  OH Press, Push press, Push Jerk

Work up to max military press x3, continue to push press x 3, then jerks x 3
20 min time limit.
2.5lbs jumps for women, 5lbs for men
Compare to April 15th


40 V-ups
6 T-get ups R. arm
30 KB swings
6 T-get ups L. arm
20 Wall Balls
6 T-get ups R. arm
10 Burpees
6 T-get ups L. arm

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