Monday, April 15, 2013

Mwod:  Roll upper back, Stretch wrists/forearms x 1min/side, Frog Stretch x 2mins, Stretch calves x 1min/side, Band tri/lat stretch x 1min/side

Skill:  Cleans x5 mins

Lift:  Cleans 4 x3 reps -work up to heavy triple

WOD:  20  min time limit

“The Bear” -thanks to Crossfit Calgary for this one.

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Jerk

-Pick a weight that you can do all 5 exercies without setting the bar down. 
-Add weight and repeat the same sequence at a higher weight each set, and continue to do so until you miss a lift. 
-Once a rep is missed, repeat the previous weight for the completion of the sets.

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