Friday, April 12, 2013

WOD Sat April 13/2013

Smash pecs on Lax Ball X1min per side
Band Shoulder Traction X1min per side (freestyle your positions, hit all the nasty corners)
Roll upper back and armpits X4mins total (smash out all the chin-up grizzle from earlier in the week)

Skills: Snatch Drills X5mins

Lift:  Bench Press- 5@ 75%, 3@ 85%, Max reps @95%

WOD:  Fight Gone Bad

3X 5min rounds, for max reps of:

1min Wall Balls
1min SDHP (65/95)
1min Box Jumps (20/24")
1min push press (75/95)
1min Row (for cals)

Hit it hard, compare scores to Jan 14/2013

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