Friday, January 18, 2013

Mwod:  Roll x 2 mins/leg, Couch x 2 mins/side, Shoulder capsule stretch x 1min/side

Skill:  Dubs x 5 mins
*If you are proficient with dubs, partner up with someone who isn't and see if you can help them out!

WOD- For time

25 Thrusters (65/95)
5 Dead lifts (135/225)
50 Dubs
20 Thrusters
5 Dead lifts
40 Dubs
15 Thrusters
5 Dead lifts
30 Dubs
10 Thrusters
5 Dead lifts
20 Dubs
5 Thrusters
5 Dead lifts
10 Dubs

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