Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll chest on post with ball, Band lat stretch, Stretch wrists

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90%, AMRAP @ 90%

Band crab walk 3 x 15/15

WOD:  For time

3 Rounds of:

5 Power Cleans (95/155)
10 Wall Balls

3 Rounds of:

10 Renegade Rows (30/50)
5 DB Push press (30/50)

3 rounds of:

10 Cal row
5 Push ups

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Pre squat hip opener, Roll calves with barbell

Squat 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 85%

No money + BPA 4 x 20/20

WOD:  7 Rounds

7 Pull ups
7 Burpees
7 RDL's (95/155)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m,  Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch, Roll upper back with roller

Military Press 3 x 3 @ 90%, Amrap @ 90%

Bent Rows 4 x 10


4 Box Jumps
8 Alt One arm DB Clean & Press with fat grip (30/50)
12 Body rows
16 Walking Lunges (8/leg) (30/50)
20 Cal row

Monday, December 17, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes on floor, Roll upper back, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, 5+ @ 85%

Band push downs 3 x 20


AMRAP in 6 mins:

20 Dubs
5 Push ups

Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 6 mins
20 KB Swings
10 Body rows

Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 6 mins
20 Battle ropes
20 Goblet squats

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll upper back on floor with ball, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press

Bent Rows


3 T get ups/arm
5 Power cleans (95/145)
7 DB Clean & Press (30/50)
21-15-9 Cal Row
Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

DB Military 3 x 12


50 Dubs
15 T2B
7 DB snatches/arm
15 Push ups
50 Rope slams

Monday, December 10, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll chest on post with ball, Band lat/tri stretch, Frog stretch

Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 85%

Band crab walk 3 x 12/12


20 Pull ups
20 Push ups
20 Burpees
20 Wall Balls
20 Lunges (30/45)
20 Cal Row

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, stretch wrists, Roll forearms/triceps on barbell, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Band lat/tri stretch

Deadlift 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90%, 3+ @ 80%

Pull ups 4 x 4 reps


3 T get ups/arm
6  OH lunges/leg
9 Body rows
Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1@ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Side plank row 3 x 12/12


7 Hang cleans (75/115)
7 Push press
7 BB Row
7 Squat cleans
7 Thrusters

Monday, December 3, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Roll quads with roller, Roll calves with barbell, Stretch calves

Squat 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Plank up and downs 3 x 10

WOD:  Lunge Buffet 3 RFT

Drunk Lunge Left x 10
KB swings x 20
Body Rows x 10
Drunk lunge Right x 10
Battle Ropes x 20
Row 10 Cals

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll upper back with roller, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Stretch wrists,  Couch stretch

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90%, 3 + @ 80%

SL Glute bridges 3 x 10/leg


Happy birthday Jenna 🎂

5 Hang Cleans (95/115)
7 Pull ups
9 DB Thrusters (25/45)
12 Dubs 
Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @90%, 3+ @ 80%

Banded plank walk 3 x 10/10

WOD:  For time

10 Box Step overs
20 Body rows
10 Box Step overs
20 Russian twists
10 Box Step overs
20 Burpees
10 Box Step overs
20 KB swngs

Monday, November 26, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll chest and traps on post with ball, Tspine ext over roller with stick x 20, Roll lats with roller, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @85%, 5+ @ 75%

Bent rows 4 x 10

WOD:  24/7 for time

24 Box jumps
24 Wall balls
24 DB Push press (30/50)
24 Wall balls
24 Body Rows
24 Wall Balls
24 OH Lunges (12 per)

Friday, November 23, 2018

smash forearms on bar x1min/side
stretch wrists x1min/side
roll lats on softball x1min/side
band lat tri stretch
smash side and front hip on softball
x10 hollow holds

clean pull
high pull
hang clean 




DB lunges/leg
burpee over bar
push press

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball on floor, Roll quads with roller, Band stick external rotation, Bottom squat

Squat 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, 5+ @ 75%

Push up to side plank 4 x 6/side

WOD:  21-15-9 reps of:

Wall Balls
KB Swings

Finale:  Row 500m
Military Press 6 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 6+ @ 80%

Pull ups 4 x 3


Burpee over bar x 5
Box jumps x 7
Thrusters x 9

*rest 60 Sec after each round

Monday, November 19, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball on floor, Band hamstring stretch, Band lat stretch

Deadlift:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5@ 85%, 5+ @ 75%

Banded side plank row 3 x 10/10


7 Cleans (95/155)
7 Push ups
7 Pull ups
7 Goblet squats (30/50)

Friday, November 16, 2018


clean and jerk


strict press x10 (75%)
strict press x9
strict press x8
strict press x7
strict press x6
strict press x5
strict press x4
strict press x3
strict press x2
strict press x1

followed by
even: 5 box jumps, 10 alt KB swings
odd: 5 pullups, 10 t2b
Thursday November 16th

Row 250m
choose your own adventure x2min
chin bar hang x1min
bottom squat xmax

a1) squat

a2) side plank-ups

WOD: 12 min amrap
11 hang cleans
11 burpees
11 thrusters
11 v-ups

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll traps on floor with ball, Band lat/tri stretch, Stretch wrist

Military Press 4 x 12

Bent Rows 4 x 12


10 Burpee box jumps
20 Body Rows
30 Battle ropes
40 Walking lunges
DL 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2+ @ 95%

DB front raise 3 x 10
DB Side raise 3 x10

50 Lunges (25/45)
40 DB snatches
30 Russian twists
10 T get ups

Monday, November 12, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll chest on post, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch, Couch stretch

Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 2 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

SL Glute bridge 3 x 10/leg


5 Renegade Man makers (25/45)
10 Body rows
15 KB swings
300m Row

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4 @ 90%, 4+ @ 80%

Side plank ups 3 x 10/side


250m Row
8 Power Cleans (85/145)
8 DB Thrusters (30/50)
Bench 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4 @ 90%, 4+ @ 80%

Pull ups 3 x 10

WOD:  21-15-9

RDL (95/155)
Burpee over bar

Monday, November 5, 2018

Mwod: Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Roll calves on barbell, Roll quads on roller, Bottom squat

Squat 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4@ 90%, 4 + @ 80%

Band curls 4 x 20


Drunk lunge left x 12
KB Swings x 20
Push ups x 10
Drunk lunge right x 12
Battle Ropes x 20
Burpees x 10

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll upper back with lacrosse ball, Roll chest on post, Stretch wrists, Band lat stretch

Bench 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4 @ 90%, 4 + 80%

Pull aparts/No money 3 x15/15

WOD:  Every 2 mins on the 2 minutes x 8:

8 Thrusters (75/95)
8 Cleans
8 RDL's
Squat add 5lbs to WM
6 @ 60%
6 @ 70%
6+ @ 80%

SL Glute bridges 3 x 8/leg

WOD:  Max reps in 15 mins

5 mins each

10 Cal row
10 BOdy rows

10 Burpees
10Alt DB snatch

10 T2b
10 Box jumps

Monday, October 29, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m or skip 100, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch, Roll glutes with ball

Military Press 4 @ 70%,4 @ 80%, 4 @ 90%, AMRAP @ 80%

DB Row 4 x 12/arm


5 Pull ups
6 Clean & Jerk (95/155)
12 Vups

Friday, October 26, 2018


1) Roll font and side hip with soft ball + 10 single leg glute bridges/side
2) roll back on peanut or roller + 10 hollow holds
3) roll adductor on roller or ball + x-band walks/side


Complex: work up to 1 round max
clean pull
high pull
clean x2
push press x3


6 manmakers
20 dubs
15 v-ups
5 manmakers
15 KB swing
12 side bends
4 manmakers
12 body rows
10 box jumps
3 manmakers
10 t2b
8 drunk lunges/arm
2 manmakers
8 wall balls
6 single arm KB clean and squat/arm
1 manmakers
6 strict pullups
4 t-get-ups/side
1) Row 200M
2) roll legs and upperback
3) roll glutes with ball
4) couch stretch x1min/side


a1) bench
+5lbs to working max


a2) butt walks


12 min amrap

3 tuck jumps
5 v-ups
7 sit-ups
9 push ups
walking lunges  down and back

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m or skip 100

Roll quads & upper back
Roll glutes with ball
Stretch calves

Squat:  Coaches choice

McGill curl ups 3 x 10/side

WOD: 1 min stations x 3 rounds, rest 2 mins between rounds

For reps

Wall Balls
KB Swings
Box Jumps
Alt DB snatch (30/50)
Row for Cals

Military 6 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 6 @ 80%, AMRAP @ 70%

Pull ups 4 x 3 reps


10 Push press (85/145)
200m row
8 Push press
10 Body rows
6 Push press
300m Row
4 Push press
10 Barbell row
2 Push press
400m Row

Monday, October 22, 2018

Mwod: Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Pre squat hip opener, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift:  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, 5 @ 75%

Band BPA (OH, Under, Over) 3 x 12/12/12

WOD:  EMOTM x 12 minutes

2 Front Squats (75/95)
4 Burpees
8 KB swings

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mwod:  Roll lats, Roll chest and shoulders on post, Tspine ext over roller, Band lat tri stretch

Military Press:  Coach's choice

Bent Rows 3 x 12


10 Front Squats (75/95)
20 Split squats
40 Dubs
5 @ 75%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 95%
AMRAP @ 75%

Band choppers 3 x 10/10

WOD:  21-15- 9 reps of

Push press (85/115)
V ups
Wall Balls

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mwod:  Row250m, Roll chest and shoulders on post, stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch
Sit on the floor and talk

Bench 5 @75%, 3@ 85%, 2  @ 95%, AMRAP @ 75%

Band crab walk 3 x 10/10


5 Cleans (85/135)
10 Walking Lunges DB Front rack
5 Chins
10 Push ups

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Couch stretch, Outside hip stretch on box, Roll feet with ball

Deadlift 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 + @ 90%

KB Drill 3 x 10/10

WOD:  Dirty 30 for time

Thrusters (25/45)
Goblet Squat (30/50)
Body rows
Lunges (25/45)
Battle ropes
Sit ups

Bench 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Face pulls 3 x 20

WOD:  AMRAP in 15 mins

Deadlift ladder

Deadlift x 3 (95/155)
Burpee over bar x 6
Push ups x 12

*add 20lbs to your bar each round

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Stir the pot 3 x 10/10


10 Front squats (75/95)
15 DB RDLs (35/55)
20 Walking Lunges (10 per- 30/45)
Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Body rows 3 x 15

WOD:  12 min AMRAP

4 Cleans (85/135)
8 T get ups (4/arm 20/30)
16 Wall Balls

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mwod:  row 250m, Roll traps on floor, Tspine ext over roller, Band lat/tri stretch, stretch wrists

Military Press

Crab walk 3 x 10/10



Cleans (85/145)
Wall Balls
Lift:  2 ct pause DL 4 x 3 reps @ 80-85%

Loaded hollow hold 3 x 10

WOD:  For time

60 Dubs
50 Russian twists
40 V ups
30 Box jumps
20 Burpees
10 Pull ups

Monday, September 17, 2018

Mwod:  250m row, Roll chest and shoulders on post with ball, Roll upper back on floor with ball,
Band lat/tri stretch, Couch stretch

2 ct pause bench 4 x 2 @ 90-95%

SL KB RDL 4 x 10/leg


5 Thrusters (75/115)
10 Pull ups
Heavy Prowler --->

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Outside hip stretch on box, hamstring stretch

2 CT Pause Deadlift 4 x 5 @ 75-80%

DB Military press 4 x 12


300m Row
21 KB swings
12 Lunges/leg
9 Pull ups
2 Ct pause Bench 4 x 3 @ 80-85%

Body rows 4 x 12

Band curls 4 x 12


A)  6 min AMRAP
5 Box Jumps
7 DB Thrusters (30/50)
9 HR push ups

B)  6 min AMRAP
Sit ups x 10
Lying leg raises x 10
V ups x 10
Med ball twist x 20

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll Quads and calves, Super frog stretch, Couch stretch

Squat 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

No money + BPA 4 x 20/20

WOD:  EMOTM x 10 Mins

1 Deadlift
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
3 Burpees


Row 500m

Saturday, September 8, 2018

MWOD:  1- Roll Lats and Pecs on floor
                2- Band Lat/Tri
                3-Super frog
                4-Band Overhead Squat

Lift:         Clean Skills

Clean Pull x 2
High Pull x 2
Full Power Clean x 1                             

WOD:  For time

 Push Press x10                           50 KB swing
                   x8 +5lbs                   40 Body Rows
                    x6 +5lbs                    30 v-ups                                                                                                                    x4+5lbs                    20 DB lunges per leg
                     x2+lbs                       10 Alt DB snatches                                                         


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll chest on post, Band lat stretch, Couch stretch, Stretch wrists

2 ct pause Bench 4 x 4 reps

Band crab walk 3 x 10/10
No money 3 x 20


10 Manmakers (25/45)
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees

15 Body Rows
15 DB RDL's (45/65)
15 Push ups

20 Lunges (10per)
20 KB swings
20 DB bent Rows (25/45)

30 Battle Ropes
30 Russian Twists
30 Dubs

400m Row

Squat 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2 @95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Military Press 8 mins AMRAP @ 65%


200m row
5 DB Snatches/arm (30/50)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mwod:  2 prowler trips, Roll quads, calves and glutes , band pec stretch, Couch stretch

Squat x 8  @65%, x 6 @70%, x 4 @80%, AMRAP @70%

DB rows 4 x 12/arm

WOD:  "fight gone bad"
3 x 5 min rounds (1 min each) for reps

*no rest between stations, only after round*

Wall balls
Box Jumps
KB Swings
Push Press (75/115)
Row for cals
2 min rest

Military Press 8@ 65%, 6 @ 70%, 4 @ 75%, max reps@ 70%

Plank row 4 x 5/arm *as heavy as plank allows

WOD: 10 min AMRAP

DB snatch ladder

2 Alt Db snatch (30/50)
10 V ups
4 Alt DB snatch
10 V-ups
6 Alt Db snatch
10 V ups
etc etc

Monday, August 27, 2018

Mwod:  Row 250m, Roll glutes with ball, Couch stretch, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring

Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

BPA & No money 3 x 15/15

WOD:  12-9-6-3 reps of:

Power Clean (85/145)
Box Jumps
DB Push Press (30/50)
Pull ups

Friday, August 24, 2018

Mwod:  Dubs practice 2 mins, Roll upper back with roller x 20 passes, Stretch wrists x 2mins, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Roll glutes

Clean Progression skills x 10 mins:

1st pull x 3 reps
High pull x 3 reps
Full Clean x 3 reps

Then work up to heavy double


DB Complex

6 DB Front squat
6 Hang Cleans
6 Push press
6 Bent rows
6 RDL's


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mwod:  2 prowler trips, Roll quads & calves, Roll glutes, Stretch calves

Squat  x10 @ 60%, x 8 @ 65%, x6 @ 70%, AMRAP @ 65%

Push up to side plank 4 x 10 (5/side)

5 Rounds for time:

5 Tire flips
Farmers walk down & back (53/65)
Goblet Lunges down & back (25/45)
5 Pull ups

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press
x10 @ 60%
x8 @ 65%
x6 @ 70%
AMRAP @ 65%

DB Rows 4 x 15/arm


Row 250m
20 Wall Balls
30 Push ups
40 KB swings
50 Goblet Squats

Deadlift 3 @ 70%, 3 @80%, 3 @ 90%, ARAMP @ 80%

Loaded Deadbug 3 x 8/8

Wod:  for time


Thrusters (75/115)
Body rows
v ups

Monday, August 20, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back and lats, stretch wrists, couch stretch

2 ct pause Bench 4 x 6 reps

Plank rows 4 x 10


5 Squat Cleans
10 Alt DB snatch (30/50)
15 Box Jumps

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mwod:  Roll glutes with ball, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring

Deadlift 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Push up to side plank 4 x 10


5 T get ups/arm (20/40)
10 KB Goblet Squats (36/53)
15 V-ups
20 KB swings
Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Body rows 4 x 20

50 Dubs (200 skips mod)
10 Burpees
Prowler down & back
10 Cal row

Monday, August 13, 2018

Mwod:  Roll your quads, Roll your glutes with the ball, Couch stretch, Stretch your calves

Squat 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%, AMRAP @ 85%

Stir the pot 4 x 10/10

WOD:  4 Rounds for max reps

20 sec Drunk Lunges LA
40sec rest
20 sec Drunk Lunges RA
40 Sec rest
20 sec Burpees
40 sec rest
20 sec KB swings
40 sec rest

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Mwod:  row 250m, roll chest on post with ball, stretch wrists, band lat stretch

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90%, AMRAP @ 80%

Floor BPA 4 x 15


5 Renegade manmakers (25/45)
10 T get ups (5 per arm)
20 KB swings
40 Cal Row
20 KB swings
10 T get ups (5 per arm) (25/45)
5 Renegade manmakers (25/45)
Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80 %, 3+ @ 90%

Military 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 95%


7 Burpees
7 DB C & P (25/45)
7 Drunk lunges / leg (25/45)
21 Dubs

Thursday, August 2, 2018

2 laps
lax ball pecs x1min/side
bully stretch x1min/side
couch stretch x1min/side
roll lats x20 passes

a1) bench

a2) pullups

WOD: EMOTM 12 minutes
30 seconds on 30 seconds off

odd: squat cleans (85/135)
even: H.R push ups

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps or 250 m row, Roll quads, Roll Glutes, Roll Feet and calves on barbell

Squat 5 @ 65%, 5 @75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 75%

Bird dog rows 3 x 6/side


50 Wall Balls
50 Lunges (25/leg)
50 Body Rows
400m Row
50 Sit ups
50 KB Swings
50 Battle rope slams

Military Press 3 @ 70%, 3@ 80%, 3 @ 90%. AMAP @ 80%

Plank row 3 x 8/8

12 min time cap

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of

Box jumps
HR push ups

* 2 DB snatch/arm after each set

Monday, July 30, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, roll glutes with ball, outside hip stretch on bench, band hamstring stretch

Deadlift (add 5 lbs to WM)

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 75%

Stir the pot 3 x 10/10


21-15-12-9-6 reps of:

DB Front squats (25/45)
KB Swings
DB Push Press (25/45)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Tspine ext over roller, Band Lat/tri stretch

Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 75%

Pull ups 4 x max reps


8 Box Jumps
8 Manmakers (20/40)
Deadlift:  6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2+ @ 95%

Pull aparts 3 x 50

WOD:  10 x 1 min Rounds

25 BW squats
Max reps Clean & Press (85/135)

Monday, July 23, 2018

Mwod:  Roll chest on post, Band lat stretch, Band pec stretch, Band overhead shoulder stretch

Bench 5 @ 70%, 2 x 5 @ 85%, AMRAP @ 85%

Band Face Pulls 4 x 20


21 Push Press (75/115)
21 Body Rows
6 Box Jumps

18 KB swings (45/53)
18 Vups
6 Box Jumps

15 HR Push ups
15 Pull ups
6 Box Jumps

12 Alt DB snatches (30/50)
12 Plank Rows (30/50)
6 Box Jumps

9 Thrusters (75/115)
9 Cleans (75/115)
6 Box Jumps

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jog 2 Laps
roll glutes x1min/side
outside hip stretch on bench x1min/side
band hamstring stretch x1min/side
couch stretch x1min/side

a1) military

a1) pullups

WOD: 15 min AMRAP

30 wall balls
20 pushups
10 body rows
prowler -><-

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll glutes, Outside hip stretch on bench, Band hamstring stretch, Couch stretch

Deadlift 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Side Plank ups 3 x 10/side


10 Bulgarian Split squats/leg
20 Pull ups
30 DB Push Press (25/45)
40 Dubs
50 Situps
10 T get ups (20/40)
20 Alt DB snatches
30 Burpees
40 Dubs
50 KB swings
Lift:  Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%, AMRAP @ 75%

No money 3 x 10
Floor slides 3 x 10



Clusters (75/115)
Box Jumps (20/24)

Monday, July 16, 2018

Mwod:  Roll quads and calves, Roll glutes, Roll chest, Couch stretch

Squat 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%, AMRAP @ 75%

Plank drill 3 x 10

WOD:  Yes, it's going to be a sweaty one!

Tabata Something Else

x 5 rounds per station each with 2 mins rest between

Battle ropes
Wall Balls
Russian twists
Push ups
Body Rows

Saturday, July 14, 2018

MWOD:  1- Roll Lats and Pecs on floor
                2- Band Lat/Tri
                3-Super frog
                4-Band Overhead Squat

Lift: Snatch Skills 5x2-min rest                                           WOD:
        Clean Skills                                                                     Push Press
        Clean Pull x2                                                                   x10                           50 KB swing
        High Pull x2                                                                    x8 +5lbs                   40 wall ball
        Clean x1                                                                          x6 +5lbs                    30 v-ups                                                                                                                    x4+5lbs                    20 DB lunges per leg
                                                                                                x2+lbs                       10 T2B                                                            

Friday, July 13, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads & upper back, Stretch wrists, Roll chest on post, Band pec stretch

Lift:  Clean & Press anyhow

Work up to max single, then 2 x 2 @ 90%

WOD:  For time


Barbell Rows
Barbell Cleans
Barbell RDL's


Cal Row
Battle Ropes


Goblet Squats

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jog 2 laps
gut smash x1min/side
band hip stretch from rack x1min/side
band hamstring stretch x1min/side

a1) DL
+5bs to WM

a2) x band walk

EMOTM 12 min

evens: box jump overs x4
odds: KB swing x12

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Mwod:  Roll upper back with roller, Roll chest with ball on post, Couch stretch, Band lat stretch

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

SL Glute bridge 3 x 10/leg

WOD:  For time:

3 Rounds of:

Prowler down & back
8 Push ups
4 Manmakers

2 Rounds of:

10 Renegade Rows
8 V ups
4 T get  ups (2 Per)

1 Round of:

40 Body rows
40 Weighted Walking Lunges (20 per leg)

Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 + @ 90%

Side plank ups 3 x 10/side

12 mins AMRAP

6 DB snatch/arm ( 30/50)
6 V ups
100m Row or Sprint

Monday, July 9, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps or row 2 mins, Roll upper back & lats with roller, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Band lat/tri stretch, Stretch wrists

Military Press 5 @ 65%, 5 @75%, 5 @ 85%, AMRAP  with 75%

Bent rows 4 x 10

5 RFT or max 20 mins

Power Clean  x 5 (85/145)
Pull ups x 5
Renegade Rows x 5
1 arm Push Press x 5/arm

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Mwod:  Roll quads x 20 passes each, Couch stretch, Roll glutes x 20 passes each, Outside hip stretch on bench, Stick Ext rotation stretch

Squat *add 5lbs to working max

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 85%, 5+ @ 75%

No money + BPA 4 x 15/15

WOD:  Lunge Buffet

AMRAP in 12 mins

Walking Lunge x 12/leg
DB Push Press x 10
Plank row x 12

Walking Lunges x 12/leg
DB RDL's x10
Hip Extensions x 12

Military press 4 x 6 @ 60-65%

Pull ups 4 x6

WOD:  EMOTM x 12

Min #1 7 DB Thrusters (30/50)

Min #2 7 Burpees

Min #3 7 DB Cleans (30/50)

Friday, June 29, 2018

1) row 250M
2) calve release on KB x10passes/x10rotations/side
3) banded super frog x2min
4) couch stretch x1min/side

WOD:  10 RFT

shoulder to overhead x10
bent over row x8
4 hang clean and jerk
5 push ups

Thursday, June 28, 2018

1) Row 200M
2) Roll quads x20 passes
3) gut smash x1min/side
4) band hip stretch from rack x1min/side


a1) squat

a2) loaded deadbug

triple 3-6-9
9 min AMRAP 3-6-9

hang cleans (85/135)
box jumps (20/24)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Mwod:  row 2 mins, Roll chest & traps on post with ball, Tspine ext over roller, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 5 @ 70%, 3 @80%, 1 + @ 95%

SL RDL 3 x 10/leg

WOD:  Tabata 30/15 x 4 rounds each for reps

Battle ropes
Row for cals
KB swings
Side Raises
Alt DB snatches (30/50)
Lift:  Deadlift 4 x 6 @ 60%

1 arm body row 4 x 6/arm

For time:  12-10-8-6-4-2

DB front rack lunges/leg
DB Thrusters


Monday, June 25, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps/row 250m, Roll chest on post with ball, band pec stretch, stretch wrists

Bench 4 @ 70, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Weighted Plank ups 3 x 10

WOD:  4 Rounds for time

Farmers walk down & back (55/70)
Pull ups x 6
DB Clean & Press x 12
Russian Twists x 24
Battle ropes x 36

Friday, June 22, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll upper back and quads with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

High pull practice x 8 mins

Work up to heavy double on Cleans x 8 mins

WOD:  Bear on a Ladder (20 min time limit)

For Time/AMRAP:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps

Hang Clean
Push/Split Jerk

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Prowler x2 trips
Roll lats x20passes
chin bar hang x max time
couch stretch x1min/side

a1) military press
x AMAP @65%

a2) no money 3x10

a3) deadbug 3x5/5


15 min AMRAP

KB swing x15
20M shuttle run x4
burpee on the turnarounds
KB squat x15

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Mwod: 2 laps or row 2 mins, Roll glutes with ball on floor, Couch stretch, Roll pecs on post with ball

5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

DB Rows 3 x 10/arm

WOD:  Abdominus 1 RFT

Prowler Down & back
V-ups x 30
Hanging leg raises x 10
Hip Extensions x 20

Russian Twists x 50
Landmines x 30
Hollow hold 2 ct x 20
Weighted Plank up 2 ct hold (25/45) x 10

Prowler Down & back
Wipers x 30
KB drill x 20
Stir the pot x 10/10

Burpees x 10
Sit ups x 20
Battle Ropes x 30

Bench @ 65%, 6 @ 75%, 6+ @ 85%

YTW Iso hold 3 x 20 sec


Prowler 1 trip down & back
3 Cleans
6 Push press
Prowler trip x 2 down & back
3 Cleans
6 Push Press
Prowler trip 3 down & back
3 Cleans
6 Push Press

Monday, June 18, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins or jog 2 laps, Roll quads and calves, Roll hips with ball on floor, Band hip stretch from rack

Squat 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 95%

Face pulls 3 x 20

WOD:  Ded Thrubbin -1RFT

25 Thrusters (25/45)
5 Deadlifts (approx 60-65%)
50 KBswings

20 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
40 Dubs

15 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
30 Lunges (25/45)

10 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
20 Dubs

5 Thrusters
5 Deadlifts
10 Burpees

Friday, June 15, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins/ Jog 2 laps, Roll upper back with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

Lift:  High pull practice:  4 x 3 reps

then work up to heavy double on Power Clean

(15 mins)


7 Push Press (75/115)
14 Push ups
21 Dubs

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Row 250m
dubs practice x30 attempts
band hip stretch x1min/side
band hamstring stretch x1min/side

a1) deadlift

a2) side plank + band row


A) 21-15-9

box jumps

B) 5 min EMOTM
burpees x5

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps or row 2 mins, Roll upper back and lats on pipe, Roll chest on post with ball, Stretch wrists, Band lat stretch

Bench 4 x 6 @ 70%, last set AMRAP

Band x walk 3 x 10/10


20 KB swings
10 DB Clean & Press (30/45)
20 Wall Balls
15 Body Rows
30 Battle Ropes

Monday, June 11, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll traps on floor with 2 lacrosse balls, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 4 @ 60%, 4 @ 70%, 4 + @ 80%

1 arm body rows 3 x 8/arm


Row 300m
Pull ups x5
Push ups x10
Burpees x10
Run 2 laps
Pull ups x 5
Push ups x10
Push press x 10 (75/115)
Farmers Walk (53/70)
Pull ups x 5
Push ups x 10
Step ups x 10/leg

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes, Roll calves on barbell, super frog

Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90%

Stir the pot 3 x 10/10

WOD:  For time

3 Rounds of:

10 Cal Row
8 Alt DB snatches
4 Manmakers

2 Rounds of:

10 Renegade rows
8 Vups
4 T get ups ( 2per)

1 Round of:

40 Weighted Walking Lunges ( 20 per leg)

Military press * add 5lbs to WM

6 @ 50%
6 @ 60%
6+ @70%

Strict pull ups
3 x 6-10

WOD: 10 min amrap

5 DB Hang clean
5 Box jumps
5 HR push ups

10 min amrap

Unbroken DB thrusters (30/50)

*5 Burpees for each rest

Monday, June 4, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest on post, Couch stretch, band lat stretch

Bench 4 x 8 @ 65%, last set AMRAP

YTW Iso holds 3 x 20 sec each


15 Cal Row
5 Power Cleans (85/145)
10 Push ups

Friday, June 1, 2018

Mwod: 2 laps, Roll quads and calves with roller, Roll upper back and lats with roller, OH Lat stretch, Stretch wrists

Lift:  1 clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk

Work up to heavy set x 15 mins


A) 8 min AMRAP

5 tire flips
10 Lunges /leg

-Rest 3 mins-

B) 8 min AMRAP

8 Renegade Rows
10 Body rows
Farmers walk

Thursday, May 31, 2018


1) Prowler 2 trips
2) roll glutes x20 each
3) outside hip stretch x1min/side
4) bottom squat

a1) Squat +5lbs to WM

a2) s.l. RDL + row

WOD: Bench Mark

clean and press (75/115)
push up
500M row

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mwod:  Jog a lap, Roll lats & upper back with roller, Roll neck & traps with ball on floor & post,
Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 3 x 10 @ 60%

Pull ups 3 x max strict

WOD:  AMRAP in 15 mins

*add a rep each round

11 KB Swings
11 Goblet squats
11 Push ups
11 Double unders
5 Tire Flips
Deadlift 3 x 8 @ 60%

A2) Cossack walk 3 x 10/10

A3) Butt walk 3 x 10/10



OH Lunge x 10/leg
Toes to bar x 10
Run 2 laps

Monday, May 28, 2018

Mwod: 1 lap should do it, Roll upper back and lats with roller, Roll chest with ball, Band lat stretch

Bench 3 x 10 @ 60%

DB Rows 3 x 12/arm



3x Bear complex (Power clean, push press, front squat, push jerk)

5 Burpee over bar

15 Wall balls

Friday, May 25, 2018

Mwod:  Dubs practice 2 mins, Roll upper back with roller x 20 passes, Stretch wrists x 2mins, Band lat/tri stretch x 2mins/side, Roll glutes

Clean Progression skills x 10 mins:

1st pull x 3 reps
High pull x 3 reps
Full Clean x 3 reps

Then work up to heavy double


DB Complex

6 DB Front squat
6 Hang Cleans
6 Push press
6 Bent rows
6 RDL's


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll quads & glutes, Band hamstring stretch, Outside hip stretch

Deadlift:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 95%

No money & BPA 4 x 15/15


Prowler drag backwards
Prowler drag frontwards
10 Front Squats (75/95)
10 Tire Flips
10 Push Press (75/95)
Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

Stir the pot 3 x 12/12


A) 12-9-6-3 reps of

H.R. Push ups
Box jumps

B) 3 rounds of

20 Wall balls
20 Dubs

Thursday, May 17, 2018

1) Jog two laps
2) roll t-spine x20
3) roll lats x20/each
4) chin bar hang 2x MAX



Side plank-ups 3x10/side


100' farmers + AMRAP unbroken body row
100' Farmers + AMRAP unbroken dubs
100' farmers + AMRAP unbroken push press (95/15)

score is total number of reps on AMRAPs

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mwod :  2 prowler trips, Roll upper back with roller, roll glutes with ball, otuside hip stretch on bench

Deadlift 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Rear raises 3 x 15


10 Db Clean & Press
20 Dubs
30 V ups
40 Russian Twists
Prowler down & back

Bench 3@ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Facepulls 3 x 20

WOD:  Good -38!

38 Cal row
38 Push ups
38 DB Thrusters (25/45)
38 Lunges
38 DB side raises
38 Body rows
38 Burpees

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps, Roll calves, stretch calves, roll quads, couch stretch

3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Stir the pot 3 x 10/10

WOD:  Clean ladder  AMRAP in 15 mins

2 Cleans (75/115)
5 Renegade rows
5 Lunges per leg (25/45)

*pair up with someone that has a similar working max in the clean if necessary

**add 5lbs to the clean each round, how far can you get in 15 mins?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

1) skip x100
2) lax ball glutes x1min/side
3) band hip stretch x1min/side
4) gut smash x1min/side

+5lbs to WM


a2)KB/DB plank drill
3x12 total


150 KB swings for time
** EMOTM 7 burpees

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Mwod:  2 laps of building, Roll chest & shoulders with ball on post, Band lat stretch, Couch stretch

Bench -add 5lbs to WM

5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%

Band x walk 3 x 12/12


50 KB swings
25 V-ups
Prowler Push down---Prowler drag back
Squats (add 5lbs to working max)

5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5+ @ 85%

Banded TKE's 3 x 15/leg


100m Run
4 Squat cleans (85/135)
8 HR Push ups

Monday, May 7, 2018

Mwod; 2 laps of building, Stretch wrists, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 4 @ 65%, 4 @75%, 4+ @ 85%

SL glute bridge 3 x 10/leg


5 Pull ups
5 Cleans (85/135)
5 Push Jerks (75/115)
5 Burpees
20 Rope Slams

Thursday, May 3, 2018

1) skip x100
2) lax ball pecs x1min/side
3) band pec stretch x1min/side
4) roll quads + hips x1min/side

a1) 2ct pause bench

a2) dead bug

EMOTM 12 minutes

min 1: DL x7 (60%)
min 2: burpee bar jumps x5
min 3: H.R. push ups x10

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mwod:  row 2 mins, Roll quads and glutes with ball on floor, Band hip stretch from rack, calf stretch, Stick external rotation stretch

2 ct pause Squat 5 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 1+ @ 90%

BPA + No money 4 x 15/15


200m row ( or prowler if it isnt raining)
10 K2E
15 KB swings
20 OH lunges (10 per)
Military press - add 5lbs to WM

6 @ 60%
6 @ 70%
6+ @ 80%
1 x AMRAP @ 60%

Cossack walk 3 x 12/12

WOD AMRAP in 12 mins

5 strict pull ups
7 burpees
9 front squats (75/115)

Monday, April 30, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll hips and glutes with ball on floor, Couch stretch, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 2 ct pause 5 @ 60%, 3 @ 70%, 1+ @ 90%

BPA 4 x 25

WOD:  21-15-9 of:

Push Press (75/95)
RDL's (95/135)
Row for cals
Wall balls

Thursday, April 26, 2018

row 200m
roll quads 20 passes
outside hip stretcch x1min/side
bottom squat x2 minutes - TIMED

a1) 2ct pause squat

a2) 2ct pause facepulls

WOD: 40-30-20-10

db split squat
alternating kb swing
alternating db clean and press

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back and lats, Band lat/tri stretch, Roll glutes

Military Press 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%, drop down to AMRAP @ 75%

Pull ups 4 x 5 reps

WOD:  Tabata ya

20 sec on/10 sec off

8 rounds each of:

Leg raises
DB Push Press
Rope Slams
Alt. DB Snatches
2ct pause DL 3 @ 65%, 3 @ 75%, 3+ @ 85%

Stir the pot 3 x 10/10

WOD: 2 Rounds for time

Bear Prowl

Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
(1 rep of each for 5 rounds)

Prowler down and back

Monday, April 23, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back x 20 passes, Band lat stretch, Bully stretch

Bench 2 ct pause 3 @ 65%, 3 @ 75%, 3+ @ 85%

Band x walks 3 x 10/way

WOD:  3 Rounds for time

10 Box Jumps
10 Push ups
20 DB rows
10 Split squats/leg
10 Alt DB snatches

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll traps and shoulders with ball on post, Roll lats with roller, Band lat tri stretch, Stretch wrists

Military Press 3, 3, 3, 3+ @ 90%

Pull ups 4 x 6

WOD:  1 min stations 2-3 rounds, 30 sec rest

Framers walk
Battle ropes
DB Clean & Press/arm
Row Cals
Russian Twists

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back x 20 passes, Roll glutes with ball, Couch stretch, Hamstring stretch

Deadlift 2 ct pause 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 5+ @ 70%

Face Pulls 4 x 20

WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of:

Cleans (85/125)
KB swings
Box Jumps

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest and shoulders with ball on post, Bully stretch, Band lat stretch, Couch stretch

Bench 2 ct pause 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 5+ @ 70%

Band x walks 3 x 10/10

WOD:  For time

3 Rounds

10 Push ups
8 Alt DB snatches
4 Manmakers

3 rounds

10 Goblet squats
8 Body Rows
4 Renegade rows

3 Rounds

10 Cal Row
8 Vups
4 T get ups

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads and calves, Roll glutes, Band frog stretch, Stretch calves

Squat 2 ct pause 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 70%

Banded push up walk 3 x 6/6

AMRAP in 12 mins

Drunk Lunge Left x 12
DB Push press x 10
Plank Row x 12
Drunk Lunge Right x 12
DB RDL's x 10
Hip Extension x 12

Time?  1000m Partner Row

Thursday, April 12, 2018

1) row 200M
2) roll quads + hips x20 passes
3) roll calves x20 passes each
4) stretch calves on post x1 min/side


a1) Squat

a2) banded inchworm


a) 4 rounds
1 arm kb swing x12/arm
body row x12

b) 4 rounds
20 dubs
20 star jumps

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll traps & neck on post with ball, Roll lats with roller, Tspine ext over roller with stick x 20

Military Press 4, 4, 4, 4+ @ 85%

SL Glute bridge 4 x 10/side

B) Pull ups 4, 4, 4, 4, 4+
B2) No money 4 x 15

C) 3 Rounds for reps, 2 mins rest between rounds

AMRAP in 4 mins of:

15 Push Press (75/115)
5 DB Front Squat (25/45)

Lift: Deadlift 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 2+ @ 95%

BPA 3 x 50

WOD:  For time

100 Squats
75 Sit ups
50 HR Push ups
25 Burpees

Done? 500m Row

Monday, April 9, 2018

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll upper back + tspine ext over roller, Roll pecs & Shoulders on post with ball, Bully stretch

Bench 6 @ 75%, 4 @ 85%, 3 x 2 @ 95%

Band crab squat walk 4 x 10/10

EMOTM x 12 mins

Min #1  5x Clean & Press (85/135)
Min #2  15x KB swings
Min #3  5x Pull ups

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes, Band hamstring stretch, Outside hip stretch on bench

Deadlift 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Banded push up walks 3 x 6/6

B) WOD:  1 Round for total reps:

1 min of Weighted walking lunges
20 seconds of Dubs/Singles

40 seconds Goblet squats
20 seconds of Dubs/Singles

30 seconds of KB Swings
20 seconds of Dubs/Singles

20 seconds of V-ups
20 seconds of Dubs/Singles

C) 1000m Partner row race (highest scores from B get to go last)

Bench 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Crab squat walk 3 x 10/10


3 Clean & Press (75/115)
7 HR Push ups
10 T get ups (20/40)

Monday, April 2, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes each, Couch stretch, Roll calves with barbell, Stretch calves

Squat 4 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

ATW plank 3 x 6/6


5 Thrusters Left side
10 Body Rows/ Pull ups
5 Thrusters Right Side
10 BB RDL's (115/165)
10 Goblet Cossack Squats (25/45) (5 per)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll chest and shoulders on post with ball, Band Lat stretch, Couch stretch

Bench 6 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 6+@ 80%

SL RDL 3 x 15/leg

4RFT or AMRAP in 20 mins

5 Squat cleans (75/135)
10 Pull ups
15 Dubs
20 Push ups
Lift :  Squat 6 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 6+ @ 80%

Ankle banded crab walk 3 x 12/12

WOD:  For time:

40-30-20-10 reps of:

Standing split squats
Russian Twists
KB swings

Monday, March 26, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrists, Roll tspine and lats x 20 passes each, Band lat tri stretch

Military Press 4 @ 70, 4 @ 80%, 4+ @ 90%

Pull ups 4 x 4 reps

Face Pulls 4 x 15

WOD:  3 Rounds For Max reps

4 min time cap

12 DB RDL's
9 Goblet Squats
6 DB Clean & Press
Max reps Burpees

Rest 2 mins & repeat 

Friday, March 23, 2018

row 250M
chin bar hang X max time
stretch wrists x1min
90/90 hip stretch x2 min/side

LIFT: (use 50% of the smaller of the two maxes)
3 rounds @50%
clean pull
high pul

3 rounds @50%
bow + pause
push press
preferred jerk variation

clean and jerk


Push press
KB high pull

cap each round with:
ascending bounds

Thursday, March 22, 2018

t-get-ups x3/arm
lax ball pecs on post x1min/side
band pec stretch x1min/side
roll lats x20 passes


a1) bench press

a2) flutter kick

WOD: 4 rounds
1 min 10 squats + amrap push ups
2 min 10 squats + amrap v-ups
3 min 10 squats + amrap body rows
1 min rest

score is sum of push-ups, v-ups, body rows

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads & upper back x 20 passes, Banded frog stretch, Roll calves on barbell

Squat 8 @ 50%, 8 @ 60%, 8+ @ 70%

Single Leg hollow holds 3 x 8/side 2 ct hold

WOD:  EMOTM x 12 mins

#1 minute- 12 Cal Row
#2 minute- 12 DB RDL's
#3 minute-  10 Box Jumps
#4 minute- 10 Reverse Lunges (5 per)
Military Press 6 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 6+ @ 80%

Body rows 3 x 15


5 T get ups/side (20/40)
5 Clean & Press (85/115)
25 Dubs

Monday, March 19, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes with ball on floor, Band hip stretch from rack, Outside hip stretch on bench

Deadlift:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

Side plank 3 x 25 sec

B)  3 Rounds

Goblet cossack squats x 12 (6per)
SL RDL's x12
Landmines x 12

C)  AMRAP in 8 mins

4 Power Cleans (95/135)
6 KB Swings
8 Burpees

Friday, March 16, 2018

T-spine extension on roller x20 passes
overhead stick bottom squat for max time
roll lats on softball
roll pec/front delt on softball (facedown on floor)
overhead stick bottom squat for max time


Power Snatch from floor
work up to challenging triple 
Power Clean from floor
work up to 2rm


Farmers   Down and Back
Heavy Tire x4
Arm/Arm + Push  Down and Back
Heavy DB clean and press x3/ARM
Thursday March 16/18

Row 200M
Roll Quads x20 passes
Frog Stretch x1min/side
bottom squat test x1min

a1) Squat

a2) banded push up walk

WOD: 21-15-9 reps of

box jump
ab wheel
body row
push up

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll traps and 1st rib with ball on floor & post, Tspine ext over roller x 20, Band lat/tri stretch

Military press 8 @ 50%, 8 @ 60%, 8+ @ 70%

Pull ups 4 x 6

WOD:  Diamond cutter ◆◆◆

250 squats for time

* 5 burpees each minute

Monday, March 12, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll lats & upper back x 20 passes, Roll chest on post, Band lat stretch from rack

Bench:  5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+@ 95%

Toe banded crab walk 3 x 10/10

B)  Pull ups x 6 mins


21 KB Swings
21 Sit ups
21 Wall Balls

Friday, March 9, 2018

row 250m
roll glutes/front hip/hipflexor with soft ball x4min
couch stretch x1min/side
t-spine extension on roller x20 passes

Push Press out of rack

Arnprior: Max Clean


5 box jumps
10 Single Arm KB clean to reverse lunge
10 alternating KB swings
10 Single Arm KB clean to reverse lunge
10 box jumps
15 body rows
15 push ups
15 v-ups
15 box jumps
20 wall balls
20 T2B
20 one arm thrusters (10/10)
20 box jumps
30 overhead lunges (15/15)
30 DB snatches (15/15)
30 burpees

Thursday March 8/2018

1) skip x100
2) roll lats x20/passes
3) chin bar hang
4) lax ball glutes and hops x1min/side

a1) military press

work up to 2 RM

a2) strict dead hang pullups

WOD: 15 minute time limit

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of

DB Front Squat
Burpee over bar

LIFT: (time pending)
Clean for max

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes with ball on floor, Band hamstring stretch, Couch stretch

Deadlift:  add 5lbs to working max

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Deadbug 4 x 6/side

WOD:  AMR(eps)AP

3 Rounds for reps

Min#1- DB Clean & Press (25/45)
Min#2-Battle Ropes
Min#3- Row for Cals
Min#4 - KB swings
Min #5- Rest
Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

DB rear raises 3 x 12

Wod:  12 min amrap

2 Push press
2 Box Jumps

*add 2 reps each round

Monday, March 5, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads and calves with roller, Banded frog stretch, Roll glutes with ball

Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%
No money + BPA 3 x 15/15


50 Walking lunges
75 KB swings
25 Pull ups
25 Push ups (chest to floor)
75 BW Squats
50 Walking Lunges

Friday, March 2, 2018

row 250M
smash pecs/delts on kettle bell
roll lats on roller
stretch wrists
weighted t-spine extension on roller

overhead squat out of rack

52 pick up
*aces = 10 of given suit

hearts: step ups/leg
clubs: push ups
spades: bent over DB rows
diamonds: DB front squats

Jacks: 10 total t-get-ups
Queens: 10 burpees
Kings: 10 box jumps

Thursday March 1st 2018

1) skip x100
2) t-get-ups x3/arm
3) gut smash x1min/side
4) couch stretch x1min/side

a2) bpa 3x50

12 min EMOTM

min 1: max push ups
min 2: max plank row
min 3: max bw squats

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back & lats, Band lat/tri stretch, Frog stretch

Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

SL RDL 3 x 10/leg


5 Pull ups (strict)
10 DB Thrusters
15 Box Jumps
20 Dubs
Squat (add 5 lbs to working max)

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Face pulls 3 x 10 w 2ct hold


5 Cleans (75/115)----20 T get ups
5 Cleans-----30 Push ups
5 Cleans----40 Sit ups
5 Cleans---50 Med ball twists
5 Cleans----100 BPA

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

1) Row 250m
2) roll pecs/front delt on floor with softball x1min/side
3) band pec stretch x1min/side
4) stretch wrists x2min


Modified X-band-walk


8 Bent over rows
8 hang cleans
8 push press

5 burpees for ANY bar drops (no free rests at the end of a round)
no resting the bar on your body

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

1) roll hips on softball x1min/side
2) hip opener on box 1min/side
3) couch stretch supreme x1min/side
4) bottom squat x2min


DB military press



KB swing
body rows
wall ball sit ups

Friday, February 16, 2018

1) roll lats on softball
2) band lat/tri stretch
3) stretch wrists
4) kb pec floss

Hang Clean
work up to soft 3RM

Front Squat
work up to soft 3RM


Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 body rows
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 v-ups
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 kb swings
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 box jumps
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 k2b
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 wall balls
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 burpees
Strict Press x3 (@85%) ---- 15 cal row

Thursday February 15th 2018

1) skip x100
2) lax ball pecs on post x1min/side
3) band pec stretch x1min/side
4) couch stretch x1min/side

a1) bench press

a2) band pullaparts


min 1: DB clean and press
min 2: push-ups
min 3: t-get-ups
min 4: sit-ups
min 5: rest

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads x 20 passes, Banded frog stretch x 2mins


Lift:  Squat- 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

DB side raises 3 x 15

WOD:  Cinco de Mayo


5 Walking Lunges/leg
5 KB Swings
5 Manmakers
Lift:  Military press 4 x 2 @ 95%, 1 AMAP set

Band crab squat walk 5 x 10/10

WOD:  12 min AMRAP

15 Lying leg raises
10 Deadlift (85/115)
5 Cleans

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes with ball, Roll upper back with roller, Band hamstring stretch x 2min/side

Deadlift (add 5lbs to WM)

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

No money/BPA 3 x 15/15

WOD:  For time

20 Walking lunges (30/45)
15 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps
25 Dubs
20 Body Rows
15 K2E
30 KB swings
25 V-ups
20 Hip Extensions
10 Alt DB snatches (30/45)
15 Push ups
20 Wall balls

Friday, February 9, 2018

1) row 250M
2) floss pecs on post with lax ball x10 passes per spot (do both sides)
3) chin bar hang X max time
4) roll lats with pipe x1min/side
5) chin bar hang X max time

Clean and overhead anyhow


push press
plank rows/side

1) t-get ups x2/arm
2) roll quads x20 passes
3) gut smash x1min/side
4) bottom squat x1min

a1) Squat

a2) 3 way shoulders

WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Kb swing
DB snatch/arm
sit ups

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins. Roll upper back & traps with lacrosse balls on floor, Tspine ext over roller with stick, Stretch wrists, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 4 x 2, 1 AMAP set @ 90%

Pull ups 4 x max reps

WOD:  For time

10 Burpees 5 push ups 10 Dubs
9 Burpees 5 Push ups 10 Dubs
8 Burpees 5 Push ups 10 Dubs
1 Burpee 5 Push ups 10 Dubs
Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 3@ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

BPA 3 x 40

EMOTM x 10 rounds

5 Thrusters (55/75)
5 Box Jumps

Monday, February 5, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest and shoulders on post, Roll upper back on roller, Stretch wrists, Band lat stretch

Bench (add 5 lbs to WM)

5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5 + @ 85%

Band crab squat walks 3 x 10/10


10 Renegade Man makers
10 T-get ups (5per)
10 Body rows

Thursday, February 1, 2018

skip x100
roll lats and upperback x1min/side
band lat tri stretch x1min/side
chin bar hang 2Xmax


a1) Military Press
4x4 @80%
xAMAP @80%

a2) band pullaparts

50 wall balls
50 kb swings
50 burpees
25 DB front squat (25/45)
25 situps
25 cal row

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes and hips with ball, Outside hip stretch on bench, Roll upper back with roller

Deadlift 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

ATW planks 3 x 5/direction

WOD:  40-30-20-10 reps of:

Reverse Lunges
Wall ball Sit ups
Goblet squats

Bench 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

Body rows 3 x 15
BPA 3 x 30


21 T2B
15 Box jumps
9 Hang cleans

Monday, January 29, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads and calves, Roll glutes and hips, Band hip stretch from rack

Squat:  (add 5lbs to WM)  5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

3 way shoulder 3 x 8/way

Tabata:  20/10 x 8 rounds each

For reps

Russian Twists
Split jumps
KB swings
Reverse Burpees

Thursday, January 25, 2018

MWOD: Skip 50/Dubs Practice, Outside Hip on Box, Couch Stretch, Roll TSpine

DL +lbs to Working Max
5x65%, 5x75%, 5+x85%

Band Resisted Deadbug

52 Pick Up
D-Goblet Squat
H-KB Swing
A-TGet Up x2/Arm

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest on post, Roll upper back with ball on floor, Band Lat stretch, Frog stretch

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

Ankle banded crab walks 3 x 10/10

WOD: Burbearyball


3 Bear Complex (Power clean, push press, front squat, push jerk)
5 Burpee over bar
15 Wall Balls

Squat 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 95%

Banded push up walks 3 x 10/10


21-15-9 reps of:

Db snatch
Burpee over DB
DB front rack walking lunges

Monday, January 22, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll upper back x 20 passes + tspine ext over roller x 20, Roll chest & traps on post, Roll lats with ball, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 4 x 6, 1 x AMAP all @ 75%

Pull ups 5 x 6 reps

WOD:  3 Rounds for Reps

Max rounds in 3 mins

3 Power Cleans
6 Push ups
9 Squats

Friday, January 19, 2018

1) row 250m
2) roll pec and lat on floor with softball/laxball x2min/side
3) band lat/tri stretch x1min/side
4) band pec stretch x1min/side
5) banded super frog

Snatch + Clean and Press
work up to challenging triples (snatch first, clean second)



Push Press
incline push ups
band pullaparts
leg raises
russian twists
goblet squats
KB swings
reverse DB lunges

1) DUBS Practice x2 minutes
2) lax ball pecs x1min/side
3) band pec stretch x1min/side
4) couch stretch x2min/side


a1) Bench Press
+5lbs to working max


a2) BPA

WOD: Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds for reps
1 min rest at end of each round

1 min row for cal
1 min SDHP (75/115)
1 min box jumps
1 min situps
1 min push press (75/115)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll glutes, Roll calves, Bottom squat, Couch stretch

Squat 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3+ @ 90%

3 way shoulders 3 x 8/way

WOD:   |Lucky #7


7 Thrusters
7 K2E
7 Renegade Rows
7 KB swings
7 Lunges/leg
7 Vups
7 DB RDL's
Military Press 4 x 8, 1 x AMRAP all @ 70%

Pull ups 5 x5

WOD:  7 min Amrap

7 Burpee box jump over
14 Body Rows

C)  500m Row

Monday, January 15, 2018

Mwod: Row 2 mins, Roll glutes, Band hamstring stretch, Outside hip stretch on bench

Deadlift: 5 @ 7%, 3 @ 85%, 1+ @ 95%

Rear fly's 3 x 15


10 Push ups
10 T get ups
Row 10 cals
60 Sec OH Barbell hold (65/95)

20 Lunges
20 DB Rows
20 Push ups
60 Sec OH Barbell hold

30 KB swings
30 Push ups
30 Goblet squats
60 Sec OH Barbell hold

Friday, January 12, 2018

roll pecs on post with lax ball x1min/side
roll traps on floor with lax ball x1min/side
band lat tri stretch x1min/side
bottom squat x2min

Oly Complex- work up to 1RM

clean pull
high pull
push press
power/split jerk



box jumps
kb swings
alternating db snatch
body rows

Thursday, January 11, 2018

row 2 mins
roll quads x 20
couch stretch x 1min/side
lax ball glutes x1min/side

Squat 5x65%, 5x75%, 5+x85%
BPA 3x30

even 3DL, 3 Burpee Bar Jump
odds 3DL, 10 Lying Leg Rise

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Stretch wrists x 2mins, Band lat/tri stretch

Military Press 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 3 x 2 @ 90%

SL Glute bridge 3 x 10/leg


30 Walking lunges
20 KB swings
10 BB RDL's
5 Burpees
Deadlift:  3 @ 70%, 3 @80% 3 + @ 90%
Push up walk 3 x 10/10


3 Push ups
3 Cleans (85/135)
6 Push ups
3 Cleans
9 Push ups
3 Cleans
12 Push ups
6 Cleans
15 Push ups
6 Cleans
18 Push ups
6 Cleans
21 Push ups
9 Cleans

Monday, January 8, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll chest on post, Roll upper back with roller, Couch stretch

Bench 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 + @ 90%

Band at ankles crab walk 3 x 10/10


10 Wall balls
10 Bent rows
300m Row
10 Box jumps
10 Clean & Press (75/135)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Row 200M
Lax ball armpits and upperback x2min/side
band lat tri stretch x1min/side
chin bar hang 2x max time

a1) Military

a2) push up walks


5 t-get-ups/arm (15/25)
5 power cleans (85/115)
25 dubs

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Mwod:  Row 2 mins, Roll quads & upper back with roller, Roll glutes with ball, Band hamstring stretch

Deadlift 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

Single leg Hollow holds 3 x 6/leg

WOD:  EMOTM x 12 mins

Min #1

5 Push Press (75/115)
10 Dubs (30 singles)

Min #2

5 Front Squats
10 DB rows (together) (25/45)

*5 Burpee penalty after wod for every minute not completed in time
Bench 5 @ 65%, 5 @ 75%, 5+ @ 85%

BPA 3 x 30

WOD:  Filthy Fifty

50 HR Push ups
50 DB thrusters (25/45)
50 Lunges (25/45)
50 DB side raises
50 Body rows
50 Burpees